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好天气最适合到元朗国旅游,品尝俩口小吃的名物 — 刈包和芝士压饼。传统刈包使用自家制馒头般的外皮,夹入卤得入味的猪腩肉,配上清新的柚子酱汁、大量芫荽、酸菜和花生粉,口感丰富且平衡。另一名物抹茶忌廉芝士压饼,在烟韧的烤饼皮内,夹著浓郁的忌廉芝士,而抹茶则为这份压饼带来一股解腻的茶香。Try out Both Street’s signature items, the Traditional Pork Belly Gua Bao with greasy pork belly, citrusy yuzu sauce with lots of coriander and peanut powder. Another pick is their press cake, featuring various flavors from matcha cream cheese to tarp with pork floss.
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