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终于试左啦,蓝莓芝士三文治。本身个人唔太钟意又咸又甜捞埋一齐。但呢个配搭又出奇地夹啵!系好软身,好食既。不过未至于要专登系台湾买返黎啰。好彩而家香港有分店啫😅Finally tried it! Blueberry cheese sandwich! Personally I don’t like the mix of sweet and savory, but this not was surprising a good match. The bread is soft and it tasted good! But if they didn’t hv a shop in HK I definitely won’t bring it all the way from Taiwan to HK!
Finally tried it! Blueberry cheese sandwich! Personally I don’t like the mix of sweet and savory, but this not was surprising a good match. The bread is soft and it tasted good! But if they didn’t hv a shop in HK I definitely won’t bring it all the way from Taiwan to HK!