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3/5三星是给那一碗牛肉面的,其实我已经不吃牛肉,所以只喝了一口汤,吃了一口面。但已经非常不错,浓厚层次的味道,鲜甜的余味,牛香四溢。搭配爽口的面条,真的蛮好。可能就是料太足,所以下午茶也没有优惠。卤肉饭加三款小吃就有下午茶,不过味道就过得去而已。(Google translate)3 stars gave that bowl of beef noodles. Actually, I don't eat beef anymore, so I only took a bite of soup and noodles. But it is already very good, with a rich layered flavor, a sweet aftertaste, and a scent of beef. It is really good with refreshing noodles. Maybe it is too much material, so there is no discount for afternoon tea. The braised pork ric
(Google translate)
3 stars gave that bowl of beef noodles. Actually, I don't eat beef anymore, so I only took a bite of soup and noodles. But it is already very good, with a rich layered flavor, a sweet aftertaste, and a scent of beef. It is really good with refreshing noodles. Maybe it is too much material, so there is no discount for afternoon tea.
The braised pork rice and three snacks have afternoon tea, but the taste is just passable.
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