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食过无数次呢间台湾米芝莲餐厅 今次就集中讨论下我觉得最好食嘅野🤤 我今次试左醉鸡 担担面 台式四季豆 小笼包 同埋虾仁肉丝蛋炒饭🤤醉鸡系一如既往咁好食 鸡好嫩滑 浸左入一个非常浓嘅酒入面之后 食鸡都会醉咁🤣🙈 担担面就唔系平时食汤嘅担担面 呢个系捞面 但个汁都系大同小异 值得一赞嘅系佢个汁好多花生 好浓郁 好味!!!小笼包虽然系普通又简单嘅嘢食 要整得好一啲都唔容易 呢间小笼包嘅皮厚薄适中 口感亦唔会太粉一咬入去入面啲汤爆晒出嚟 正!!!🤤虾仁肉丝蛋炒饭对我来讲系一个惊喜 因为就咁睇只不过系一碟好简单嘅炒饭 但系越简单系越难整😆 炒饭入面嘅虾仁非常爽滑 肉丝都好淋 炒饭唔系用咗好多调味 但系好好味 除咗盐我都唔知佢落咗啲乜嘢🙈台式四季豆并唔系我哋食开嘅干煸四季豆佢冇咁干身嘅 加上系冻上嘅 但系一样咁野味惹味😋😋We ordered a Drunken chicken, Steamed pork dumplings, Noodle with spicy sesame and peanut sauce, Egg fried rice with shrimps and shredded p
我今次试左醉鸡 担担面 台式四季豆 小笼包 同埋虾仁肉丝蛋炒饭🤤
醉鸡系一如既往咁好食 鸡好嫩滑 浸左入一个非常浓嘅酒入面之后 食鸡都会醉咁🤣🙈
担担面就唔系平时食汤嘅担担面 呢个系捞面 但个汁都系大同小异 值得一赞嘅系佢个汁好多花生 好浓郁 好味!!!
小笼包虽然系普通又简单嘅嘢食 要整得好一啲都唔容易 呢间小笼包嘅皮厚薄适中 口感亦唔会太粉一咬入去入面啲汤爆晒出嚟 正!!!🤤
虾仁肉丝蛋炒饭对我来讲系一个惊喜 因为就咁睇只不过系一碟好简单嘅炒饭 但系越简单系越难整😆 炒饭入面嘅虾仁非常爽滑 肉丝都好淋 炒饭唔系用咗好多调味 但系好好味 除咗盐我都唔知佢落咗啲乜嘢🙈
台式四季豆并唔系我哋食开嘅干煸四季豆佢冇咁干身嘅 加上系冻上嘅 但系一样咁野味惹味😋😋
We ordered a Drunken chicken, Steamed pork dumplings, Noodle with spicy sesame and peanut sauce, Egg fried rice with shrimps and shredded pork, and String bean with minced pork and mini dried shrimps.
The drunken chicken has been my all time favorite for so long! I love how tender the chicken was, and how the chicken had been soaked in the rice wine. I felt like I was drunk after eating hahaha
The Steamed pork dumplings had a nice wrap, not too thick or thin. The soup immediately burst into my mouth while I was taking my first bite!!!! Delicious! 🤩
Noodle with spicy sesame and peanut sauce was not in soup, but it’s as good! It’s not too spicy, as I personally considered it as mild spicy. And the peanut pieces had added some texture to the sauce!
Egg fried rice with shrimps and shredded pork was just a simple dish, but it was very delicious. I wonder what seasonings they used apart from salt!
String bean with minced pork and mini dried shrimps was not like the typical one. It’s not as dry, but as flavorful and appetizing!!!