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可以有几恐怖😱🤮🤮咩餐厅可以污糟到咁❗️ 其实柜台递俾我𠮶下我立即已经发现,我都费事叫佢换。我就要拍底给大家睇一粥面咁样都可以比客人😡🤬 当天有少少唔舒服无胃口想食碗粥,附近只有一粥面,$30虽然系平,但卫生差成咁再平都唔会食啰。I saw this green thing on the bowl right after I received from counter. I did not ask for change because I want to let OpenRice users see this 话晒都大集团啦毫无卫生管理的吗?你睇吓恐怖到。唔止外面㗎!连碗嘢里面都有呢啲不明绿色物体我食𠮶时要好小心唔好掂到。 inside my bowl also has this disgusting green stuff 🤮🤢 I need to eat very carefully not to touch it
可以有几恐怖😱🤮🤮咩餐厅可以污糟到咁❗️ 其实柜台递俾我𠮶下我立即已经发现,我都费事叫佢换。我就要拍底给大家睇一粥面咁样都可以比客人😡🤬 当天有少少唔舒服无胃口想食碗粥,附近只有一粥面,$30虽然系平,但卫生差成咁再平都唔会食啰。I saw this green thing on the bowl right after I received from counter. I did not ask for change because I want to let OpenRice users see this
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