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被餐牌上的图片吸引,什么“芝士溶岩饭”,一见到“芝士”2字就冲咗入去⋯点知完全地中伏了!超揾笨!😡😡😡 ⋯什么溶岩,原来就系唔知雪咗响雪柜几耐嘅蛋浆、再加啲冇味嘅廉价芝士、个饭仲要系用最Cheap嘅杂菜粒炒,话有海鲜,就只系落得几粒⋯好似杂豆一包送嚟𠮶类嘅鱿鱼,超迷你蚬仔真系得2粒,连雪虾仔都冇只!如果佢系真材实料,做得好食,加上响湾仔系预咗贵嘅,我唔会介意仲会返转头啰。但佢咁嘅质素同用料,仲衰过我楼下间茶餐厅!人哋个菠萝海鲜炒饭都仲多料过佢,虽然系雪虾,都仲大只过个5蚊银,仲有小粒带子、鱼柳粒,都只系$48!😒😡 又要“懒”系嘢咁用铁钣上,但又由于过热,啲蛋浆干晒开始㶶,啲芝士都未溶,个侍应捞完之后,睇落就好似我早前病呕𠮶笃嘢咁,乜胃口都冇晒,但为咗费事浪费食物,唯有啃咗佢,净系呢笃嘢埋单百四蚊!仲有大大声播歌令人烦厌!佢有好几间分店,但我唔会再帮衬!😡😡😡Got tempted by this "Cheese Lava Fried Rice" menu, so decided to gv it a try... But! Totally not what i expected...
被餐牌上的图片吸引,什么“芝士溶岩饭”,一见到“芝士”2字就冲咗入去⋯点知完全地中伏了!超揾笨!😡😡😡 ⋯什么溶岩,原来就系唔知雪咗响雪柜几耐嘅蛋浆、再加啲冇味嘅廉价芝士、个饭仲要系用最Cheap嘅杂菜粒炒,话有海鲜,就只系落得几粒⋯好似杂豆一包送嚟𠮶类嘅鱿鱼,超迷你蚬仔真系得2粒,连雪虾仔都冇只!如果佢系真材实料,做得好食,加上响湾仔系预咗贵嘅,我唔会介意仲会返转头啰。但佢咁嘅质素同用料,仲衰过我楼下间茶餐厅!人哋个菠萝海鲜炒饭都仲多料过佢,虽然系雪虾,都仲大只过个5蚊银,仲有小粒带子、鱼柳粒,都只系$48!😒😡 又要“懒”系嘢咁用铁钣上,但又由于过热,啲蛋浆干晒开始㶶,啲芝士都未溶,个侍应捞完之后,睇落就好似我早前病呕𠮶笃嘢咁,乜胃口都冇晒,但为咗费事浪费食物,唯有啃咗佢,净系呢笃嘢埋单百四蚊!仲有大大声播歌令人烦厌!佢有好几间分店,但我唔会再帮衬!😡😡😡
Got tempted by this "Cheese Lava Fried Rice" menu, so decided to gv it a try... But! Totally not what i expected... NEVER believe the photo on da stupid menu again!!! 😡😡😡 ...i didn't saw any "Cheese Lava" on my rice, all i could taste some dried up nearly burn egg paste & tasteless dry sticky cheese in the rice, can't even use the word "creamy" to describe it, not as many ingredients in the dish as they mentioned ... It's juz looks like a pile of ugly stuff that vomitted by someone earlier... It's totally disgusting and Absolutly Not worth the price i paid. And the Music was too loud so annoying.