55 浏览
霸王川庄由国家级四川菜大师彭子渝嘅入门徒弟吴红初师傅主任👨🏻🍳 混用各种从内地空运到港嘅独家香料同食材去带出四川/成都嘅传统风味🇨🇳 餐厅位于25楼,里面以暗哑嘅灯光同华丽装饰去形造出高雅浪漫嘅气氛,坐窗边仲可以望到维港海景添😍This restaurant is managed by one of the apprentices of the greatest chefs in Sichuan. They serve traditional dishes with ingredients imported directly from mainland. The environments is very romantic and you could even enjoy the scenery of the harbour. 坐底之后侍应会帮你冲杯自家制嘅八宝茶☕️里面有红枣、菊花、甘草等中药材,非常养生💆🏻♀️They will first serve you hot tea with herbs such as dates and chamomile which you don’t
This restaurant is managed by one of the apprentices of the greatest chefs in Sichuan. They serve traditional dishes with ingredients imported directly from mainland. The environments is very romantic and you could even enjoy the scenery of the harbour.
They will first serve you hot tea with herbs such as dates and chamomile which you don’t see very often.
双味小笼包 $88
2 Sorts Xiao Long Bao
白色系原味,红色系辣味,虽然无咩爆汁嘅效果,不过馅料肉汁丰富,整体嘅味道算浓郁😇 原味皮薄馅靓,猪肉香特出🥩 辣味嘅面皮相对之下厚左啲,但香辣嘅后劲另味道更有层次感,所以两者各有特色👍🏼
The white one is the original flavour, with thin skin and a porky flavour. The spicy red one in comparison has a thicker skin, but is more aromatic. I would’ve wanted it to have more soup, but luckily the meat filling was juicy.
烤北京片皮鸭 $298
Signature Roasted Duck
经过慢烤嘅片皮鸭烧得金黄香脆,皮下脂肪在烤焗过程中融入鸭肉,所以咬落去肉汁饱满但同时唔会太油腻💦 呢只品种虽然体积较细,但肉质非常细致🦆 佢地嘅自家制饼皮厚薄适中而且食到最后都仲保持到烟韧柔软嘅质感,加埋葱、青瓜同酱汁一齐食就更有风味
Through slow roasting the duck, it could achieve a crispy outer shell with a melted layer of fat. The duck meat was very succulent, which went well with the pancakes and sides.
甜奶迷你小馒头 $55
Deep Fried Mini Flour Buns with Condensed Milk
咁细粒嘅馒头真系第一次见🤣 馒头嘅外层炸成焦黄色,可惜食落唔够酥脆😢 里面都算松软,点埋炼奶成粒咁放入口食味道甜而不腻,两者简直系绝配👏🏼
Although they were deep fried, they weren’t crispy enough. However the inside was mellow, a perfect match with the condensed milk.
拔丝香蕉 $168
Candied Banana Fritters
用人手拉到好似龙卷风咁嘅焦糖丝卖相非常吸睛🌪️ 下面垫著冰糖炸香蕉,外层系硬脆嘅焦糖,里面藏著入口即溶嘅香蕉🍌 粉浆唔会太厚,整体味道同口感嘅层次感丰富,钟意食甜嘢嘅人必点👅
Every strand of caramel has been hand pulled, with candied fried bananas at the bottom. The bananas were encased in a thin batter and hard sugar coating, and the middle was hot and gooey.