2022-10-26 50 浏览
每次到日本都一定要揾几间居酒屋去食,因为通常都系喺呢啲隐蔽嘅小店先系试到最地道嘅美食🥳 呢间喺中环嘅传统日式居酒屋都唔例外,虽然店铺门口唔显眼,但上到二楼就有惊喜💝 里面用左原木嘅家私同埋放左唔少日式嘅摆设,依家仲加左啲万圣节嘅元素添🎃 除左大厅位置,仲有几个小包厢,啱晒4-6个人嘅小聚会👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 最重要系呢到有和服比你租借,啱晒同啲朋友一齐打卡👘Although Ship’s entrance is not too eye catching, you’ll be surprised when you arrive the second floor. They mimic the environment of Japanese boats by using wooden furniture and decors, as well as some Halloween stickers to suit the season. There are even kimonos for you to borrow too! 野菜丝白饭鱼苗沙律 $138Vegetable Strips wi
每次到日本都一定要揾几间居酒屋去食,因为通常都系喺呢啲隐蔽嘅小店先系试到最地道嘅美食🥳 呢间喺中环嘅传统日式居酒屋都唔例外,虽然店铺门口唔显眼,但上到二楼就有惊喜💝 里面用左原木嘅家私同埋放左唔少日式嘅摆设,依家仲加左啲万圣节嘅元素添🎃 除左大厅位置,仲有几个小包厢,啱晒4-6个人嘅小聚会👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 最重要系呢到有和服比你租借,啱晒同啲朋友一齐打卡👘
Although Ship’s entrance is not too eye catching, you’ll be surprised when you arrive the second floor. They mimic the environment of Japanese boats by using wooden furniture and decors, as well as some Halloween stickers to suit the season. There are even kimonos for you to borrow too!
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野菜丝白饭鱼苗沙律 $138
Vegetable Strips with Shirauo Salad
青瓜、白萝卜同埋红萝卜切成一丝丝,口感爽脆,味道清甜🥰 面头舖满白饭鱼,为沙律添加咸香味,配埋油醋酱变得非常开胃👍🏼
There were cucumber, raffish and carrot strips which gave a crunchy texture. There was a copious amount shirauo on top, which added some savouriness and they went well with the vinegar dressing.
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呢到都主打串烧,所以叫左翠玉瓜 ($28)、青椒仔 ($28) 同埋牛舌芯 $68🍢 因为系用炭炉烤,所以炭烧嘅焦香味特出,但如果牛舌再厚少少口感应该更好😉
We ordered zucchini, pepper and ox tongue for the skewers, as they are on their recommended list.
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海胆吞拿鱼蓉山卷 $198
Uni and Tuna Paste Rolls
老板逢逢星期二同五都会喺丰洲市场订购原条鲜鱼返黎做剌身同寿司🍣 呢碟上台嘅卖相已经赢晒,绵密嘅吞拿鱼蓉同肥厚嘅海胆放喺青瓜卷上高到成座山咁,非常足料🤩
They order fresh fish from Toyosu Market every Tuesday and Friday, so the sashimi they use are bound to be fresh. The amount of tuna and uni on the cucumber rolls were ridiculous, and they piled up like a mountain!
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盐烧新鲜鸡腿扒(三黄鸡) $168
Salted Chicken Thigh
三黄鸡出名脂肪丰满,一大块鸡排已经帮你预先切好,咁食落方便好多😎 鸡腿扒嘅外皮烧得非常脆口,里面肉嫩多汁,鸡味浓郁🐔
This species of chicken is know to have a high fat ratio. After grilling it, the skin was very crispy, while the meat remained juicy and tender.
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乳酸梳打 $48
Calpis Soda
乳酸饮料系日本人嘅至爱,而且每间居酒屋都一定会提供架🥤 酸酸甜甜嘅乳酸糖浆配上梳打水饮落真系好爽😆
Calpis is a very popular drink in Japan, and they are sold in most Izakaya there. The sweet and sour taste combined with the carbonated soda water was really refreshing.
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