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之前谭仔(3哥)话佢系第一个教香港人食辣, 可能对其它香港人系, 但我就一定系我老豆教嘅, 好似饮酒一样, 想当年喺5星级酒店饮支依家喺超市都仲系卖紧几十蚊嘅酒都要几旧, 又好似d人话正宗嘅川菜, 其实乜嘢系正宗? 我觉得大陆口味就最正宗! 呢间系我喺香港食过最似喺大陆食嘅其中一间, 主打水煮鱼, 孜然羊肉, 辣子鸡, 辣酒煮花螺等,仲有好多特色嘢, 到时自己问老板啦!不过你话唔食辣得唔得, 系可以嘅! 叫老细买海鲜就可以食得清淡d, 今次老细买左蟹, 虾, 生蚝, 圣子, 再加几个𩠌送酒就搞掂! 再串d 食埋大闸蟹都得, 老细整嘅姜茶特别正, 原来除左呢间分店, 元朗𠮶间先至系总店, 呢排天气凉咗, 仲有羊腩煲,鸡煲同烤鱼今次呢班老友唔多饮得, 所以重质不重量, 佢哋钟意重口味同老酒, 但我又唔多钟意新世界, 因为佢哋一定会带支奔富数字系列, 今次佢哋就带左支407, 虽然对我嚟讲其实只有95同707是比较吸晴! 但系对我d老友嚟讲奔富始终系佢哋饮酒嘅初恋, 所以点都有d情意结, 我就带左支意大利西拉子, 呢支嘢俾人抄起晒, 由最初我饮𠮶阵3位数到依家4位数, 支猫须系一级园,
今次呢班老友唔多饮得, 所以重质不重量, 佢哋钟意重口味同老酒, 但我又唔多钟意新世界, 因为佢哋一定会带支奔富数字系列, 今次佢哋就带左支407, 虽然对我嚟讲其实只有95同707是比较吸晴! 但系对我d老友嚟讲奔富始终系佢哋饮酒嘅初恋, 所以点都有d情意结, 我就带左支意大利西拉子, 呢支嘢俾人抄起晒, 由最初我饮𠮶阵3位数到依家4位数, 支猫须系一级园, 最少都要3位数起跳, 可能因为冇特级园嘅关系, 冇几耐, d𩠌开始嚟, 哗! 阿老板! 我哋得4个人, 你虾又1斤, 圣子又每人3只, 蚝又2筒, 仲洗食其它嘢嘅! 重点系d酒都未点饮! 老板话: 系你哋细食姐!
无耐, 见到东方不败(鲁振顺)喺隔离枱入座, 个个争住做小粉丝集邮, 东方不败初时有d愕然, 后尾知道原来影相姐, 即刻笑返, 仲摆埋po屎添, 班老友话最近咁嘅环境都少左出嚟食, 我话饭始终要食, 酒始终要饮, 最重要系好多人屋企唔系话咁大, 又冇工人姐姐,你估咁易坐到十几人咩, 再加上又有老婆仔女, 有d 个老婆唔饮, 有d个老公唔饮, 所以点都要出嚟松一松, 咪你结婚前又毒, 结婚后又毒, 咁你嘅人生仲有乜意义呢!
Before Tam Chai (Brother 3) said he taught the Hong Kong people to eat hot and spice, maybe to some Hong Kong people, but for me, it must be my Dad, just like drinking wine, from the good old days it cost a few hundred for a bottle that you can buy now in the supermarket under a hundred. It’s also like when I ask you what’s traditional Sichun food in Hong Kong? Well for me it’s the taste in mainland that I can eat. Because this is where the original source of Sichun food! But if you said if I don’t eat hot and spicy, what should I order? Well I can recommend you to ask the boss to get you some seafood in advance, in that case you can eat lighter. You can even eat hairy crab, and the ginger tea is especially good! Except this Jordan restaurant, there is also another one in Yuen Long.
Those friends for this time cannot drink much, therefore quality is better than quantity and they like full body and matured wine. But I don’t like new world wine much, because they must bring the Penfolds number series, this time they brought a 407, actually for me only the 95 and 707 is more eye attractive, but for my friends these are their first love when they start drinking wine! For this reason, I brought an old world shiraz from Italy and a white from burgundy, these wine prices went up a lot recently from 3 digit to 4 digit. Awhile later the dishes start to come, hey boss, we only have 4 people but you bought us ½ kg of prawn, 3 each of razor clam and 2 each of oyster, no quota for other dishes! And most importantly the wine still not started drinking yet! The boss said: you appetite are too small!
Later, we saw a famous TVB star (Henry Lo Chun Shun) sitting in the next table, everyone was asking for photo, at first he was shocked, later he knows we only want a photo together, then immediately showing his smile and get ready for the photo, my friends said situation nowadays in Hong Kong was eating less outside than before, I said everyone needs to eat and drink, especially for those that their home are tiny and without helper, which is not easy to sit for 10+ people , in addition, there might be wife and kids, some of them the wife don’t drink, some of them the husband don’t drink, therefore need to chill out no matter what, otherwise what’s the point of living.
The boss said there will be credit card machine soon!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)