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HongKie Noddy:香港真系美食天堂,可以揾到世界各地正宗味道嘅美食! 之前去北京鼓楼附近食过间劲好味嘅麻辣香锅,食过返寻味,但系之后喺其他地方就揾唔返咁好味嘅麻辣香锅lu! 通常唔系唔够麻辣就湿得济,好似食麻辣火锅料咁,唔系好正宗!我终于遇上十二味麻辣香锅! 劲上瘾! 我同鬼佬gui今个星期已经帮衬咗两次!餐厅地点系厚福街的上楼铺(gui成日都讲唔到hau fook kai, 讲咗ho pok kai)。餐厅唔算大有分室内同室外, 夏日炎炎食麻辣香锅如果唔食烟/唔减肥, 应该都会坐室内。店内职员全以普通话沟通,但个男侍应应该系想我同gui都听得明,佢好努力同我地讲英文 (即使我同佢讲广东话), 加分!!上次黎食叫中辣,完全无料到,今次叫左麻辣大辣($49),终于似样d喇!都几辣,钟意食辣嘅人叫大辣就啱喇。唔洗担心,店内有自助水/茶任饮,唔会辣死你再逼你叫嘢饮。(*按:之后去再食咗次大辣,辣到我地死死下, 所以都好睇厨师心情, 第一次都系叫中辣好喇)一锅最少要点四个𩠌,我地叫咗肥牛($48), 内蒙羊肉($48), 大白菜($12), 金菇($32), 白萝卜($12), 莲藕
香港真系美食天堂,可以揾到世界各地正宗味道嘅美食! 之前去北京鼓楼附近食过间劲好味嘅麻辣香锅,食过返寻味,但系之后喺其他地方就揾唔返咁好味嘅麻辣香锅lu! 通常唔系唔够麻辣就湿得济,好似食麻辣火锅料咁,唔系好正宗!
我终于遇上十二味麻辣香锅! 劲上瘾! 我同鬼佬gui今个星期已经帮衬咗两次!餐厅地点系厚福街的上楼铺(gui成日都讲唔到hau fook kai, 讲咗ho pok kai)。
餐厅唔算大有分室内同室外, 夏日炎炎食麻辣香锅如果唔食烟/唔减肥, 应该都会坐室内。店内职员全以普通话沟通,但个男侍应应该系想我同gui都听得明,佢好努力同我地讲英文 (即使我同佢讲广东话), 加分!!
上次黎食叫中辣,完全无料到,今次叫左麻辣大辣($49),终于似样d喇!都几辣,钟意食辣嘅人叫大辣就啱喇。唔洗担心,店内有自助水/茶任饮,唔会辣死你再逼你叫嘢饮。(*按:之后去再食咗次大辣,辣到我地死死下, 所以都好睇厨师心情, 第一次都系叫中辣好喇)
一锅最少要点四个𩠌,我地叫咗肥牛($48), 内蒙羊肉($48), 大白菜($12), 金菇($32), 白萝卜($12), 莲藕($22)。 唔算好平。
Gwailo Gui: Noddy and I are absolute number one fans of "ma la xiang guo", a spicy Sichuanese dish that we don't often see in Hong Kong. Noddy read a news that a popular place is located on Fook Kai road in Tsim Tsa Tsui (where there are lots of famous desserts restaurants) so we decided to give it a try. The result = OMG, we became completely addicted and went four time in one week (no joke!!). I strongly recommend ordering this type of food with a cold beer, good match. The spiciness is wonderful (warning: we tried the highest level of spiciness and it was quite brutal). If you enjoy spiciness, go one level above medium and it would be perfect. I like this restaurant because they give you the menu and you choose whatever you fancy eating in your dish tonight (each meat/veg has a price). My recommendations are: fatty beef, Mongolian lamb, Chinese cabbage, mushroom, lotus root, white radish, letuce and celery. I like this ma la xiang guo because it is ultra spicy, full of numb pepper, tasty and also not too oily (quite dry as opposed to wet). Definitely an amazing place to eat after work or with friends, to celebrate Sichuan spices and delicious flavours! Be careful, you may get addicted like Noddy and I.... We will see you there then because we now go at least twice a week ;-)
麻辣香锅炒得非常干身,唔会劲多汁,但又好入味!好鬼麻(怕的话要小心地夹走d花椒),𩠌嘅份量亦算多, 2个人6个𩠌就够。
劲入味2号代表系金菇,完成索晒d “十二味” 香料!
埋单时比咗张vip卡我地,下次食有9折,of course, we will be back!