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之前试过食佢个苹果包好普通,睇完MM,决定再俾多次机会佢,点知都系好差。佢个麻薯包唔单止普通,而且系好难食,非常硬,完全系用牙都扯唔开。再买咗佢嘅scone,面粉多过牛油,一啲都唔似酒店级数。而且好似其他评论咁样讲,佢真系*极速加价*,scone由$7一个变$15一个,绝对唔会再俾机会!而且收银姨姨对于自己嘅员工非常之差,而且当时买嘅时候仲特登收多咗我两个面包嘅钱,同佢讲返之后仲用好串嘅语气,讲话买多两个仲平啦。唔会再帮衬!Tried their apple bun a month ago. It’s was below average. After watching Mill Milk in YouTube, I gave it another try but it was still very disappointing. Their mochi bread’s texture was awful. I can’t really eat it. Their famous scone which was told by themselves was also terrible. I
Tried their apple bun a month ago. It’s was below average. After watching Mill Milk in YouTube, I gave it another try but it was still very disappointing. Their mochi bread’s texture was awful. I can’t really eat it. Their famous scone which was told by themselves was also terrible. I can taste its flour was much more than butter. Not taste like a high-class hotel level scone. They also double the price of the scone from $7 to $15 after getting exposed on one YouTube channel. On the other hand, the cashier was treating their junior staff so bad and she even tried to overcharge me with two more breads that I didn’t take at that time. NEVER give it a one more chance again in my life!