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一向也喜爱『霸王山庄』的食物,环境也见宽敞,但湾仔店的服务实在不敢恭维!我们一行四人叫了很多食物,基本全也不俗,不过有客肉松较咸。但是后来的一客『油浸荀』,煮出来的食物跟照片相差太远,再加上超咸,完全不能入口。故此,我们叫了店经理来,并告诉他退走该碟『油浸荀』,而且煮法跟传统的有所差异,而且太咸,完全不能入口。可能我们表达得不够好,他只是跟我们说:『一向也是这样子做的!我帮你睇下...』既没有道歉,亦没有笑容,他说完了这句话便拿走碟子了!我跟朋友们面面相觑,等了很久,也等不到他的回应,于是便把他叫过来,看他会怎样处理。他依然是态度轻蔑的跟我们说:『你地话唔要呀嘛,帮你Cancel咗...』我们四人也觉得满肚子怨气,连最爱的桂花圆子也不点便离开!我们也决定以后不会再光顾!I really hope that the restaurant owner has a chance to read this comments, as the attitute of your staff is totally unacceptable. What more important is, he i
I really hope that the restaurant owner has a chance to read this comments, as the attitute of your staff is totally unacceptable.
What more important is, he is the restaurant manger, he should be the one to "lead by example". I don't think he can manage the store properly. Apart from his attitude, it's also found that you were not having enough manpower in the restaurant. This is also an indication of the incapability of your manager.
As I can see, the restaurant was only half full in the night, I don't know how many customers have similar experiences like me. But I am so sure that if there is no improvement, the remaining customers will be attracted by other better services restaurants.
The incident has happened about a month ago, I was so busy that I have no time to write a comment, but you can understand how angry we were since I am still remembering my experience in your restaurant after such a long time!
There are many restaurants out there with poor food or bad staff, but King's Lodge is the one that I firstly wrote my comments (besides I am not good at typing Chinese at all). Please understand that your cusotmers can just walk away without letting you know. Glad to know if there will be any improvement in the future.