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侍应嘅态度仲差过佢地啲嚡熠熠嘅鸡肉!我地明白有啲餐厅只收现金同唔收毫子,但系佢态度真系令人却步。以后都唔会再帮衬Their waiters’ services are even worse than their overcooked chicken breast. We understand if restaurants only accept cash and that they don’t take cents, but their service was appalling! Would never go back again and let all my friends know about this. Don’t go there unless you have a shame kink or something
Their waiters’ services are even worse than their overcooked chicken breast. We understand if restaurants only accept cash and that they don’t take cents, but their service was appalling! Would never go back again and let all my friends know about this. Don’t go there unless you have a shame kink or something