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品谷的烘焙品, 第一时间令人想起的是其牛角包, 然后应该是其有馅包和Bagel, 再不然就是他们新出了一阵子的布甸挞, 其实它的玉桂卷也不容忽视, 除了疌因为其香味和甘甜, 还有它的一体成型的卷曲, 由最内里拉起来, 就是一条口感松软的玉桂条, 外酥内软, 不会一拉就散, 相当有趣. 另外点了芋泥方块和蜜瓜包, 前者芋泥不是以内馅形式, 而是由外而内也有, 芋泥软溶而起沙, 甜度不低, 作为甜点比早餐更合适. 后者外皮香脆, 上面有层糖皮, 内里没有馅而换来的, 是充实口感和麦香. 就是在这里吃到的, 很大部份也没有失手.The Cinnamon Roll of Big Grains is really nice and it can be pulled out to from a cinnamon stick. The texture and taste are nice as well with complicated levels and layers. Not too sweet with a bit bitter makes it different from others.
另外点了芋泥方块和蜜瓜包, 前者芋泥不是以内馅形式, 而是由外而内也有, 芋泥软溶而起沙, 甜度不低, 作为甜点比早餐更合适. 后者外皮香脆, 上面有层糖皮, 内里没有馅而换来的, 是充实口感和麦香. 就是在这里吃到的, 很大部份也没有失手.
The Cinnamon Roll of Big Grains is really nice and it can be pulled out to from a cinnamon stick. The texture and taste are nice as well with complicated levels and layers. Not too sweet with a bit bitter makes it different from others. The toro bread and melon bread are great for tea time as well.