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咏藜园在观塘的分店不用原本的名字, 说自己是”千岁”就是因为厨房管理团队和厨师, 人员岁数一共是千岁, 这说法有点牵强, 但基本上用上咏藜园的Recipe, 制作出来的川沪菜就是. 我也点了其改良版的担担面, 也就是基本担担面加上肉碎. 辣度柔和, 肉碎偏干身而没太多脂粒点缀, 花生味够重够香, 汤底就是咸味和甜味为主轴. 幼面挂起肉粒和花生, 口感不会太淋或是变得软溶. 综合来说, 不太有惊喜但合格有余.小笼包水准也是一样, 要赞的是其内里的汤汁比预计的更丰富, 夹下来汤汁份量更明显. 可惜的是包皮有点过干和过厚, 起来不够澎湃. 醋的 味道也过轻再丰富一点味道层次感可以再丰富一点. 四十多元的担担面和小笼包, 性价比还可以.Longevity Dan Dan Noodles are the new branch of Wai Lai Yuen in Kwun Tong. The Dan Dan noodles follow the recipe there and the taste is ok. Peanut taste is dominant and the soup is f
小笼包水准也是一样, 要赞的是其内里的汤汁比预计的更丰富, 夹下来汤汁份量更明显. 可惜的是包皮有点过干和过厚, 起来不够澎湃. 醋的 味道也过轻再丰富一点味道层次感可以再丰富一点. 四十多元的担担面和小笼包, 性价比还可以.
Longevity Dan Dan Noodles are the new branch of Wai Lai Yuen in Kwun Tong. The Dan Dan noodles follow the recipe there and the taste is ok. Peanut taste is dominant and the soup is fresh and sweet enough but I prefer more spicy one. Miced pork is too dry. Xiao Long Bao is rich in taste and juicy enough but the outer skin is a bit thick and dry. Overall she deserves a “pass”.