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火车头的米线, 至少感受到店舖是有用心烹调菜式, 比起海旁的海鲜餐厅, 在味道和口感上正常得多. 起码不会吃到没有肉的赖尿虾和蟹钳, 以及如呕吐物颜色的沙拉骨. 它最出名的汤底并非麻辣, 而是很切合长洲这主题的紫菜蚬肉汤底, 味道鲜甜不死咸, 蚬肉绝大部份都煮得熟而不韧, 去沙做得完善, 说要改进的, 也许是在碎蚬壳的清理上, 可以再更完善多一点. 麻辣汤底也不错, 麻香为主轴, 由喉咙渗出来的轻微麻痹, 相当过瘾, 辣劲柔和, 不会令食客吃不到其他食材的原味.作为游客区的餐厅, 价格不会太商宜, 平均一碗米线约五十至六十多元, 可以理解. 蚬肉约有十五六只, 比我想像中多, 其他配料份量则一般. 猪软骨是配料中最吸引的, 够稔够有肉香, 不会只有死咸的卤水味. 猪颈肉外面表得焦香, 肉质比一般爽弹但不至于死实, 切成条状, 相对吃起来就没有如此爽了. (笑)Locomo noodles shop is one of the best noodles shop at Cheung Chau where the seafood restaurants are dominant in F&
作为游客区的餐厅, 价格不会太商宜, 平均一碗米线约五十至六十多元, 可以理解. 蚬肉约有十五六只, 比我想像中多, 其他配料份量则一般. 猪软骨是配料中最吸引的, 够稔够有肉香, 不会只有死咸的卤水味. 猪颈肉外面表得焦香, 肉质比一般爽弹但不至于死实, 切成条状, 相对吃起来就没有如此爽了. (笑)
Locomo noodles shop is one of the best noodles shop at Cheung Chau where the seafood restaurants are dominant in F&B scene there. Her soup base is well cooked and fresh enough, especially for the seaweed shellfish soup. It is fresh but not salty and can taste the sweet flavor from seafood. Her chili soup base are exciting but not too spicy. The pork collar and pork cartilage are the best partners for such soup base. As a restaurant in sight seeing area, it is a bit costly but acceptable compared to seafood restaurant there.