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前排同 友人 K 食饭,大家都冇谂定食乜好,系 Openrice 揾到呢间中环新开嘅日式快餐食堂 🙆 见价钱实惠又好似几多款式嘅野食决定去试下。😆 觉得店舖嘅市场设定有得做 👍,将本地类似大快活咁样形式嘅快餐同日本菜结合,打造成平民日本菜品牌呢个谂法几聪明 😎 啱啱入去时仲有个面包同蛋糕卖,非常吸睛 😍 佢哋午餐嘅餐牌嘢食都一样,但仲平啲添,中环返工嘅朋友可以去试下角切宝石丼 ❤️ ($79)评分:7.5/10.宝石丼呢个名改得几靓 🤗 其实系角切鱼生饭,店员特登推介话呢个鱼生饭嘅鱼生绝对唔系𩠌头𩠌尾系特登切嘅 😅 鱼生都切得几大粒吓,铺满丼饭。但款式就唔算话好多,有吞拿鱼蓉但就冇吞拿鱼粒,而且青瓜同玉子都系咁粗糙地大大粒切粒捞埋系入面。鱼生嘅新鲜度合理啦,冇overcharge,值呢个价料了鲣鱼汤赞岐乌冬 配关东煮 ❤️ ($67)评分:7.5/10.友人 K 好养生咁嗌咗汤乌冬,佢个鲣鱼汤我都有试到,其实几浓郁几香嘅 😛 ,鱼汤比起一般昆布汤更加有味道,又唔会得个咸字,都唔错 😊 另外跟埋关东煮,系一个有馅嘅腐皮汤包,正正常常,冇乜特别。佢个餐仲送一粒产后甜品糯米糍有雪糕馅的喔We t
角切宝石丼 ❤️ ($79)
宝石丼呢个名改得几靓 🤗 其实系角切鱼生饭,店员特登推介话呢个鱼生饭嘅鱼生绝对唔系𩠌头𩠌尾系特登切嘅 😅 鱼生都切得几大粒吓,铺满丼饭。但款式就唔算话好多,有吞拿鱼蓉但就冇吞拿鱼粒,而且青瓜同玉子都系咁粗糙地大大粒切粒捞埋系入面。鱼生嘅新鲜度合理啦,冇overcharge,值呢个价料了
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鲣鱼汤赞岐乌冬 配关东煮 ❤️ ($67)
友人 K 好养生咁嗌咗汤乌冬,佢个鲣鱼汤我都有试到,其实几浓郁几香嘅 😛 ,鱼汤比起一般昆布汤更加有味道,又唔会得个咸字,都唔错 😊 另外跟埋关东煮,系一个有馅嘅腐皮汤包,正正常常,冇乜特别。佢个餐仲送一粒产后甜品糯米糍有雪糕馅的喔
We tried two different set dinners of both rice and noodle cuisines. The katsuo soup for the udon dish ($67) is a clear broth with the distinct flavour of boiled fish 😌, not as salty and oily as the typical ramen soup 😋 It goes well with udon and has a minimalist allure. The shop keeper told us that it's a popular order among the ladies, I suppose that makes sense. The udon comes with an "oden" 😃 — a stewed fish cake dumpling-like delicacy moist with soup and tofu in its fillings.
I had the "Diced Assorted Sashimi Don" ($79) — pretty decently priced, it's topped up with an overflow of diced sashimi - salmon, octopus, a minced tuna patty and some other unknown fish 😙 the freshness of the sashimi I'd say, was adequate, it's on par with the price that it charged. I personally don't like to have cucumbers and egg diced and mixed into raw toppings as well, especially when they're diced so... freestyle into large cubes like that. 😪 That doesn't look delicate at all.