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💛💛💜💚🍜🐷🍗🧋 猪肉+䝌肉丸+猪润 捞檬Stirred Noodle with Pork 已叫「大辣」,但还不够辣。感觉上不够味道,只可加「捞面汁」及「鱼露」调味。感觉好一般。猪肉片没有猪臭味,猪肉丸是一般的猪肉丸,比较细粒。猪润一早售罊。 Just a very simple noodle with boiled sliced pork and pork balls, nothing special to recommend. You need to add the “stirred noodle sauce” to enhance the flavour. 泰式奶茶Thai Style MilkTea这个在炎炎夏日,又肚饿的情况下,是超级好味。饮得出是用泰国手标茶叶冲出来的,但滤得不够干净,有少少黑色一点点。但如果茶味再浓一点,就好了!甜度比我在泰国饮的,已比较不甜,配合香港人的味道。 The sweetness fit Hong Kong people with reduce amount of sugar. Using the most fam
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猪肉+䝌肉丸+猪润 捞檬
Stirred Noodle with Pork
Just a very simple noodle with boiled sliced pork and pork balls, nothing special to recommend. You need to add the “stirred noodle sauce” to enhance the flavour.
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Thai Style MilkTea
The sweetness fit Hong Kong people with reduce amount of sugar. Using the most famous Thailand Tea. The taste is up to standard, and suit for the hot summer.