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叉油鸡髀饭多葱油 ($53)评分:9/10.作为香港人间唔中就会想食番啲港式嘢 😋 其中一样非烧味莫属~鼎鼎大名嘅波记小妹冇耐之前终于去咗食 😌 实在太惊喜喇 😆 完全无令我失望,无论系价钱定系食物嘅质素。落单之后嘢食亦都好快到叉烧同鸡髀嘅份量好平均 👍👍两者嘅件数相若,叉烧我冇特登话要咩部位或者肥瘦分布,但嚟到都非常有料到,咬落软熟,味道浓郁,啖啖肉但系唔肥。鸡肉嘅折口位亦都好整齐,冇乜碎骨,双拼仲要鸡髀都只系$5X一个饭真系唔知去边度揾,埋单时其实几惊讶.Dual Siumei Combo BBQ Pork and Chicken Thigh with Rice ($53)RATING:9/10Definitely one of the best "siumei" rice in town — premium quality local food at a fair deal. Barbecue pork is super tender and soft but not greasy at all, they're also of half lean/fat by default
作为香港人间唔中就会想食番啲港式嘢 😋 其中一样非烧味莫属~鼎鼎大名嘅波记小妹冇耐之前终于去咗食 😌 实在太惊喜喇 😆 完全无令我失望,无论系价钱定系食物嘅质素。落单之后嘢食亦都好快到
叉烧同鸡髀嘅份量好平均 👍👍两者嘅件数相若,叉烧我冇特登话要咩部位或者肥瘦分布,但嚟到都非常有料到,咬落软熟,味道浓郁,啖啖肉但系唔肥。鸡肉嘅折口位亦都好整齐,冇乜碎骨,双拼仲要鸡髀都只系$5X一个饭真系唔知去边度揾,埋单时其实几惊讶
Dual Siumei Combo BBQ Pork and Chicken Thigh with Rice ($53)
Definitely one of the best "siumei" rice in town — premium quality local food at a fair deal. Barbecue pork is super tender and soft but not greasy at all, they're also of half lean/fat by default - the golden ratio for decent BBQ pork. Chicken thigh does not disappoint either, they're tender too and chopped crisply without bone shards hidden or buried elsewhere. Generous portions for both kinds of meat. It is also served with rice noodles if you'd like something moister than rice.
By the way, do ask for more spring onion oil, the traditional Chinese salsa can be found on the side of most siumei dishes — it's slightly salty and goes realy well with the rice