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呢间cafe 充满艺术气息,门面系墨绿色,不时会邀请唔同艺术家系店内摆展览💁🏻♀️,岩哂小编呢d钟意饮啡又钟意arts嘅人✨-佢地店名「Beyond」嘅意思系希望可以令到店舖唔止系一间咖啡店;而中文「度」系代表咖啡嘅温度同世间嘅温度💡:-1️⃣「温泉蛋卡邦尼意粉🍝($108) 」(👩🏻🍳)温泉蛋蛋黄超级深色😝❗️好有咬口,食到芝士味同烟肉油香味,系冇落忌廉嘅卡邦尼但好好食!~ Onsen-tamago carbonara: perfect onsen-egg, savoury crispy bacons, al dente linguine, a dry but tasty version of carbonara! 👍🏻-2️⃣「Egg Benedict 🍳 ($98)」水波蛋做得好靓✨蛋黄一样系超级橙色😋!配parma ham、烟三文鱼、好嫩嘅菜、牛油果🥑,仲落咗少少黑醋,btw如果有两只水波蛋就更好啦🤣~Egg Benedict: a perfect poahed egg but wish there were two, served with salmon, avocado, vegg
1️⃣「温泉蛋卡邦尼意粉🍝($108) 」(👩🏻🍳)
温泉蛋蛋黄超级深色😝❗️好有咬口,食到芝士味同烟肉油香味,系冇落忌廉嘅卡邦尼但好好食!~ Onsen-tamago carbonara: perfect onsen-egg, savoury crispy bacons, al dente linguine, a dry but tasty version of carbonara! 👍🏻
2️⃣「Egg Benedict 🍳 ($98)」
水波蛋做得好靓✨蛋黄一样系超级橙色😋!配parma ham、烟三文鱼、好嫩嘅菜、牛油果🥑,仲落咗少少黑醋,btw如果有两只水波蛋就更好啦🤣~Egg Benedict: a perfect poahed egg but wish there were two, served with salmon, avocado, veggies, parma ham, and vinegar
3️⃣「英式松饼 (配忌廉芝士🧀) ($40)」
有两大粒💁🏻♀️✨食到牛油香味,ok香脆,口感偏松化,同埋佢cream cheese都俾得几多下,加埋一齐食就啱啱好😚~Scones (cream cheese)👍🏻
4️⃣「抹茶挞 🍵 ($68)」
呢款抹茶味有但未到超级甘同浓,偏甜dd~Matcha tart: a little bit too sweet for me xd
1st try espresso同橙汁嘅combo✨比想像中夹,橙汁令到咖啡嘅酸味更加出,亦增加咗佢清新嘅感觉同天然甜味,去水肿一流~Orange Coffee: a surprisingly good combo, refreshing and taste naturally sweet and sour! 👍🏻
6️⃣「鬼佬駌鸯 🫖☕️ ($58)」
其实系伯爵茶x咖啡❗️不过因为伯爵茶偏清淡,会有dd俾咖啡味抢咗风头,整体唔太甜~Earl Grey Latte : the coffee taste is stronger than earl grey, not too sweet!
老板娘好有心思去打造呢间店嘅特色,系一间有温度嘅小店,可以黎同朋友chill下👯♀️~Recommended ! Impressed by the idea of this cafe! Very artistic and cozy.
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