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经朋友介绍下,今日难得平日放假,又早睡早起精神爽,又计划稍后去MegaBox 睇家私电器,出到中环先九点几,太早入九龙湾商店都未开门。就一于行去上环揾my cup of fresh brew 嚟平伏我舖咖啡瘾! 好开心有机会试Brew Bros 嘅 cappuccino. 饮完。总结系Brew Bros 嘅烘豆咖啡豆确实有 full body and dark chocolate aroma,不过,佢仲未达到我想要嘅味, 以前喺加拿大 Montreal 一间自家经营嘅街角咖啡店入嘅咖啡烘豆 Old School espresso blend from « 49th Parallel ». 呢只豆真系一饮甩唔到,好难忘~ 唔识用中文形容 ~ it comes with a flavour of low acidity and full body. Dark chocolate aroma with round flavours of cocoa, caramel and molasses. 喺逗留香港嘅日子里面,希望有朝一日揾到佢!
饮完。总结系Brew Bros 嘅烘豆咖啡豆确实有 full body and dark chocolate aroma,不过,佢仲未达到我想要嘅味, 以前喺加拿大 Montreal 一间自家经营嘅街角咖啡店入嘅咖啡烘豆 Old School espresso blend from « 49th Parallel ». 呢只豆真系一饮甩唔到,好难忘~ 唔识用中文形容 ~ it comes with a flavour of low acidity and full body. Dark chocolate aroma with round flavours of cocoa, caramel and molasses.
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