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那位华裔侍应一开始同我地讲英文,入到去见到d客人都系清一色外国人,都冇乜所谓喇。坐低左一轮之后得个外国人侍应理下我地,另外两位华裔侍应全程当睇我地唔到(虽然我地一路系咁挥手),落单要jasmine tea同brooklyn IPA啤酒, 个啤酒嚟到变左一个椰青,都唔知好嬲定好笑!埋单都系,挥手左好耐d侍应都系睇唔到咁,唯有自己出去counter俾钱。我觉得佢地唔应该收我10% service charge啰No service at all. We ordered a brooklyn IPA but they gave me a coconut water! Only the seaview is good but it cannot compensate the low quality service! 食物价钱与质素不相符(overpriced) :叫了杯jasmine tea,但jasmine tea只是超市平价茶包(车x牌),竟收55元加10%, 另外我地叫brooklyn IPA,来错左的Coconut就收70加10%,都系贵但合理过个jasmine tea一点,cocon
No service at all. We ordered a brooklyn IPA but they gave me a coconut water! Only the seaview is good but it cannot compensate the low quality service!
食物价钱与质素不相符(overpriced) :叫了杯jasmine tea,但jasmine tea只是超市平价茶包(车x牌),竟收55元加10%, 另外我地叫brooklyn IPA,来错左的Coconut就收70加10%,都系贵但合理过个jasmine tea一点,coconut就是正常味道,都没有甚么可评