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上个周末想同妈咪喺登龙街揾间餐厅食lunch,无意中发现呢间别树一格嘅Cafe😗 一行入去已经被欧陆式嘅装潢吸引,望落华丽优雅,仲有拱门嘅厢座,打卡一流📷 @theviberoom 主打Fusion菜式,大部份菜色都用上自己嘅创新配搭,出面真系好少可以食到架😝The Vibe Room is a newly opened cafe in cwb, interior was decorated with European tones which was so soothing and calm. They specialise in fusion dishes that creates innovative flavours! 牛油果鲜吞拿鱼他他 $78Tuna & Avocado Tartar摆盘真系够晒吸睛,将黑色嘅星球打开就见到鲜艳嘅他他啦🐟 日本吞拿鱼刺身嘅鲜鱼风味同青柠豉油系绝配,加埋牛油果可以增加creamy嘅口感🥑 后韵先会食到蒜香辣根青柠酱,唔会抢味同时足以剔除任何油腻感🌶️ This planet bowl was so cute, holding a savoury
The Vibe Room is a newly opened cafe in cwb, interior was decorated with European tones which was so soothing and calm. They specialise in fusion dishes that creates innovative flavours!
牛油果鲜吞拿鱼他他 $78
Tuna & Avocado Tartar
摆盘真系够晒吸睛,将黑色嘅星球打开就见到鲜艳嘅他他啦🐟 日本吞拿鱼刺身嘅鲜鱼风味同青柠豉油系绝配,加埋牛油果可以增加creamy嘅口感🥑 后韵先会食到蒜香辣根青柠酱,唔会抢味同时足以剔除任何油腻感🌶️
This planet bowl was so cute, holding a savoury mix of tuna Tartar and avo. The tuna was tossed in a lime soy sauce, garnished with horseradish and garlic. The avo made this whole dish more creamy and fresh.
中式冰梅酱烧原只北海道鱿鱼筒 $138
Roasted Whole Hokkaido Squid w/ Chinese Plum Paste
原只嘅鱿鱼筒肉质爽口富弹性🦑 酱汁好特别,用左清香嘅冰梅酱,酸中带甜带有微微嘅辣味,鱿鱼更加鲜嫩惹味,令人愈食就愈上瘾🤪 碟上亦用左蛋黄酱点缀,配埋佢一齐食有助解腻👍🏼
The squid was so bouncy and firm, marinated in the plum sauce which brought a sour and spicy aftertaste. This combination was so creative, and actually tastes good!
全日早餐 $168
All Day Breakfast
虽然价钱有啲贵,但质素绝对配得上🥳 用藤篮装著真系特别IGable,里面除左有茄汁豆、德国肠、炸小薯饼、意大利巴马风干火腿呢啲经典ADB食物之外🍳 仲有个鲜虾沙律配甜椒蛋黄酱,同埋个人最钟意嘅烟三文鱼牛油果班尼迪蛋,流心蛋黄配上硬脆嘅酸种面包真系my飞佛🥰
Served on a woven basket were shrimp salad with sweet chilli mayo,
ketchup baked bean, german sausage,
small hash brown, and my favourite smoked salmon avocado egg benedict on a crunchy sourdough toast.
小山园抹茶鲜奶 $50
Matcha Latte
小山园嘅抹茶苦涩味少,茶香浓郁🍵 而牛奶令口感更柔和,饮后回甘,仲有靓靓嘅拉花添😍
The matcha flavour was pronounced yet not overly bitter, which created a nice smooth texture with warm milk.