533 浏览
讲咗重点先 大门口地毡下面压住一只死曱甴后尾啲人越踩只嘢就越明显大大只喺门口都冇人清理 劲核突🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮80 几蚊一碟appetiser 猪颈肉劲求其 望住个厨房阿姐徒手冇带手套!系一大个胶盒一堆预先整好嘅肉就咁摆上碟 翻热都冇 就咁加块生菜😂船面不过不失 炒饭都系普通 好少肉连啲水有阵怪味 唔知落咗啲咩香茅之类我同朋友嘅评价就系简直系想带泰国街边嘅vibe比食客?😅😂😂for english speakers: fking dead cockroach at the front door and none of the staff bothered to remove it, unhygienic kitchen staff, no gloves food was mid and overpriced for what it is大家见字避雷 等登写够字可以留个难食emoji😂
后尾啲人越踩只嘢就越明显大大只喺门口都冇人清理 劲核突🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
80 几蚊一碟appetiser 猪颈肉
劲求其 望住个厨房阿姐徒手冇带手套!系一大个胶盒一堆预先整好嘅肉就咁摆上碟 翻热都冇 就咁加块生菜😂
船面不过不失 炒饭都系普通 好少肉
连啲水有阵怪味 唔知落咗啲咩香茅之类
for english speakers: fking dead cockroach at the front door and none of the staff bothered to remove it,
unhygienic kitchen staff, no gloves
food was mid and overpriced for what it is
大家见字避雷 等登写够字可以留个难食emoji😂