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油塘的潮州粉面, 这家应该是最好的了, 相比起银龙和乐园的罐头味道, 这里无论是牛腩和牛杂都更有心机, 特别是牛杂的清理和卤水的入味, 是用心小店才能有的水准. 它的肠类更是值得表扬, 牛肠的脂层滑溜, 鹅肠的爽弹直身, 最重要是没有任何污迹在内, 当然脂味膻香不是任何人受得了, 但这就是食内脏的灵魂, 反正这里的味道也不太浓烈就是.净札肉也有惊喜, 内里是完整的胡椒粒, 更有口感之余也有醒神的辛辣, 当然不是川式那种油腻得要死的风格. 鱼骨汤底味道清淡, 但上面舖满炸猪油粒, 其香脆膻香令我想起油渣面, 食材不名贵, 但要炸好猪油粒, 而令其不会有油膱味并不容易, 这隐藏的诚意, 我收下了.Kwan Kee is a hidden gem for the traditional beef organs and beef brisket noodles in Yau Tong. The beef organs are full of aroma from brine and doesn’t have any bad or foul taste. They are clean and w
净札肉也有惊喜, 内里是完整的胡椒粒, 更有口感之余也有醒神的辛辣, 当然不是川式那种油腻得要死的风格. 鱼骨汤底味道清淡, 但上面舖满炸猪油粒, 其香脆膻香令我想起油渣面, 食材不名贵, 但要炸好猪油粒, 而令其不会有油膱味并不容易, 这隐藏的诚意, 我收下了.
Kwan Kee is a hidden gem for the traditional beef organs and beef brisket noodles in Yau Tong. The beef organs are full of aroma from brine and doesn’t have any bad or foul taste. They are clean and well prepared. The sausages with black pepper have good texture with additional mild spicy flavour. The soup with the deep fried pig fat makes it taste nice.