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平时去通菜街都系想买平野,行下摊档,估唔到呢到都有间好chill嘅咖啡店🤩 @grindsize 喺香港开左差唔多两年,除左咖啡之外,仲有唔同嘅fusion菜同甜品🍮 我俾出面写住「穷」嘅霓虹灯吸引左,入到去发现原来有两层架✌🏼 下层环境已白色为主,走文青风格,而楼上嘅装修充满波希米亚嘅气氛,今次店员仲安排左我地坐榻榻米添😍Tung Choi Street is known for hawker stalls and cheap buys, but little did I know about this cool coffee shop! It has opened for nearly 2 years and does light bites, mains, coffee and desserts. The vibe downstairs is very chill, while upstairs was filled with Bohemian decorations. 松叶蟹肉蟹籽沙律 $98Crab Meat Crab Roe Salad鲜甜嘅生菜上舖著蟹肉同蟹籽🦀️ 蟹肉甘甜
Tung Choi Street is known for hawker stalls and cheap buys, but little did I know about this cool coffee shop! It has opened for nearly 2 years and does light bites, mains, coffee and desserts. The vibe downstairs is very chill, while upstairs was filled with Bohemian decorations.
松叶蟹肉蟹籽沙律 $98
Crab Meat Crab Roe Salad
鲜甜嘅生菜上舖著蟹肉同蟹籽🦀️ 蟹肉甘甜细腻,而蟹籽嘅口感清脆带有咸香,再柑桔油醋开胃一流🤰🏻
On top of the crunchy lettuces lies a pile of fresh crab meat and crab roe. The crab roe had a distinctive savouriness, which together with the citrus vinegar created a very appetising dish.
花雕麻辣意粉配本地鲜蚬 $128
Huadiao Spicy Spaghetti with Local Clams
呢个系一道中西合璧嘅菜色,将中式嘅麻辣味融入义大利面,一啲违和感都无🙌🏼 虽然汁底用左忌廉,但依然无减低佢嘅辣度🌶 煮到Al Dente嘅意粉口感弹牙,每条都挂晒酱汁,食落好惹味🍝
This is a fusion dish which combines the Mala flavour from China with Italian pasta. The spiciness and mala sensation was quite pronounced considering it was a cream based sauce. The pasta was cooked to al dente, which the sauce could hang onto really well.
疯狂芝士野菌大啡菇多士 $88
Crazy Cheese Portobello Toast
切成一片片嘅大啡菇同埋野菌舖喺满碟嘅Mozerella芝士上🧀 就算放左一阵都依然有拉丝效果😍 两片酸种厚多士里面有粒粒干果同果仁,增加口感之余仲增加左啲酸甜味,有助减低芝士嘅油腻感👍🏼
Juicy portobello slices was laid out on a dish full of melted mozzarella cheese. There’s just something satisfying about getting a cheese pull everytime. The sourdough toast had bits of nuts and dried fruits, which can alleviate the heaviness from the cheese by adding a hint of sourness.