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今次要介绍嘅餐厅系位于铜锣湾嘅 Season Oyster and Wine Bar,当然有唔少嘅生蚝同海鲜。适逢食生蚝嘅季节,我哋就决定去试下。Season Oyster and Wine Bar is located in Causeway Bay, specializes in various kinds of oysters and seafood. Since it's the month of "R", we decided to visit this restaurant.◾美国中码生蚝 (USA M Size Fresh Oyster) $18美国生蚝味道较甜,质感颇滑,最合适打头阵。US oysters taste sweet and smooth, which are suitable to place at first.◽南非生蚝 (South Africa Fresh Oyster) $29南非生蚝肉质肥美,味道同样鲜甜。South Africa oysters are creamy and plump, which also taste fresh and s
Season Oyster and Wine Bar is located in Causeway Bay, specializes in various kinds of oysters and seafood. Since it's the month of "R", we decided to visit this restaurant.
美国中码生蚝 (USA M Size Fresh Oyster) $18
US oysters taste sweet and smooth, which are suitable to place at first.
南非生蚝 (South Africa Fresh Oyster) $29
South Africa oysters are creamy and plump, which also taste fresh and sweet.
法国生蚝 (France NO.0 Fresh Oyster) $39
法国生蚝嘅味道最富层次,带海水咸味,随之而来嘅系甘甜嘅 After-taste,属三款生蚝最美味嘅一款。
French oysters have the richest flavour, with the salty taste at the beginning and the sweet after-taste. It is the most delicious oysters among the three.
烤焗海鲜拼盘 (Baked Seafood Platter) $298
There are many types of seafood in the platter, including lobster, scallops, Canadian whelk, mushrooms and tiger prawns. Most of them are baked with cheese. Among all of them, we love scallops and mushroom the most, as it preserves the freshness and matches well with the taste of cheese.
白酒煮马尼拉蚬 (Clams In White Wine Sauce) $78
The portion of clam is large, seasoned with a lot of garlic slices and a few drops of white wine. It gives a rich flavour with layering.
Season Oyster and Wine Bar
📍 铜锣湾信德街14号地舖
📍 G/F, 14 Shelter Street, Causeway Bay