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和太太来到K11 Musea Shopping, 没有想过吃些甚么, 一见到商场入口的Lounge还有座位就入内, 这个Lounge最出名的是超过千五元一位, 号称全香港最Luxurious的Afternoon Tea Set, 自己当然没能力品尝, 于是点了最基本的Set, 装食物的架同样精致, 至于食物质素就相当一般. 无论是咸点还是甜点, 在口感和味道上也和酒店的有差距, 特别是烘焙品的香酥松脆程度也不够.主食今期有和大班楼还有Nespresso合作的烟熏乳鸽, 乳鸽是大班楼的名物, 吃起来肉很嫩, 烟熏味够香, 肉汁够多, 就是没有太多的咖啡香味. 另一道主食是吉列猪扒荞麦面, 荞麦面加上酸姜粉, 吃起来微酸微甘, 酱汁同样酸酸辣辣, 大带东南亚风味, 如此配搭相当有趣. 吉列猪扒的猪扒肉汁丰富, 肉厚而嫩, 脂肉有层次, 脆皮够脆但皮肉分离感颇多, 但比下午茶好多了.The afternoon tea set of Artisan Lounge is not as good as those in 5-star hotel. The bakery product is not
主食今期有和大班楼还有Nespresso合作的烟熏乳鸽, 乳鸽是大班楼的名物, 吃起来肉很嫩, 烟熏味够香, 肉汁够多, 就是没有太多的咖啡香味. 另一道主食是吉列猪扒荞麦面, 荞麦面加上酸姜粉, 吃起来微酸微甘, 酱汁同样酸酸辣辣, 大带东南亚风味, 如此配搭相当有趣. 吉列猪扒的猪扒肉汁丰富, 肉厚而嫩, 脂肉有层次, 脆皮够脆但皮肉分离感颇多, 但比下午茶好多了.
The afternoon tea set of Artisan Lounge is not as good as those in 5-star hotel. The bakery product is not crispy enough. You can order portion of one person but it is not worthy. The main cuisine is much better. For example, the smoked pigeon is collaborated with The Champion Restaurant which is extremely juicy and meaty. The deep fired pork loin is as good as the pigeon but the skin is detached from the meat.