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金桦的装修就是传统香港风格的烘焙店, 没有什么文青的设计, 就是将不同的面包分类好在不同的格子内, 然后有一个热盘载着蛋挞, 再有一个雪柜承载着蛋糕, 功能性十足, 也令我想起小时候的日子. 蛋挞是传统的饼皮, 相比起酥皮我更喜欢, 因为更为香脆, 而且吃起来碎屑不会散落得一地也是, 金黄色的蛋浆, 甜度和蛋味条配得刚刚好, 就是小时候的原味道.除了蛋挞之外, 传统的蛋糕不是芝士蛋糕那类型的高贵, 像是花饼, 朱古力三文治和合桃酥, 也是很传统的味道, 不能说是惊为天人, 但是能够在这里找回小时候的回忆, 也是相当开心一件事, 只是价钱从以前港币三四元, 到现在动辄要十元一件, 物价膨胀, 令我从小时候的回忆拉回来.She is a traditional Hong Kong-style bakery that doesn’t have any fancy designs. They neatly categorize their breads in compartments and have a hot plate with egg tarts and a refrigerator
除了蛋挞之外, 传统的蛋糕不是芝士蛋糕那类型的高贵, 像是花饼, 朱古力三文治和合桃酥, 也是很传统的味道, 不能说是惊为天人, 但是能够在这里找回小时候的回忆, 也是相当开心一件事, 只是价钱从以前港币三四元, 到现在动辄要十元一件, 物价膨胀, 令我从小时候的回忆拉回来.
She is a traditional Hong Kong-style bakery that doesn’t have any fancy designs. They neatly categorize their breads in compartments and have a hot plate with egg tarts and a refrigerator with cakes. The egg tarts have a traditional crust that is crispy and doesn‘t scatter crumbs everywhere. The golden egg custard has the perfect balance of sweetness and egg flavor, just like how it used to taste when I was a child. The other cakes, like flower cake and chocolate sandwich, may not be amazing, but they bring back childhood memories. However, the prices have gone up due to inflation.