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餐厅环境:有样嘢我真系想反映下😂我唔太清楚佢哋几点开门,我去到𠮶时已3点半,佢哋一部冷气都唔开😂环保起见,我都支持嘅,但风扇都唔开就真系过分咗少少😂行斜路上去已经好热,坐低咗几个字,一滴风都冇,我流汗流到冲凉咁😂然后问佢哋可唔可以开一开风扇,但把风扇系座地式,就咁摆咗喺我隔离,所以净系吹到我只脚,然后我对面𠮶个话完全吹唔到佢⋯⋯间餐厅唔大,所以冇位移去第到⋯⋯我哋就系爆住汗咁享用午餐😂🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵💦差唔多食完先开冷气,真系唔该晒😂I would like to provide some feedback. I was not very clear on the restaurant's operating hours, and when I arrived it was already 3:30 pm. The restaurant did not have the air conditioning or fans turned on. It was already very hot by the time we arrived. I asked the staff if they co
I would like to provide some feedback. I was not very clear on the restaurant's operating hours, and when I arrived it was already 3:30 pm. The restaurant did not have the air conditioning or fans turned on. It was already very hot by the time we arrived. I asked the staff if they could turn on the fans, but the fans were floor-standing models and were only blowing air towards my feet. I understand the restaurant has limited space, so they couldn't move the fans to another location. But they could have at least turned on the air conditioning.
Overall, the lack of climate control made for an uncomfortable dining experience, despite the food itself being satisfactory.
🥗前菜:TUNA CARPACCID吞拿鱼薄片+Smoked Salmon GNOCCO FRITTO烟三文鱼意式脆炸面包~
烟三文鱼意式脆炸面包我觉得几好食,个面包好烟韧,配烟三文鱼几好食!唯独是𠮶中间加咗啲lemon cream cheese(我估,唔肯定系咪cream cheese),我觉得加埋就麻麻地(纯粹个人口味~)但食一旧已有啲顶胃,细食嘅建议正系嗌Pizza就够,唔洗嗌set~
🍕Pizza:MARGHERITA (V)玛格丽特薄饼(素)+GAMBERI AGLIO E OLIO 香蒜大虾薄饼
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