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毕打奥本身的主理人是退伍英军, 后来由香港人接手, 这里的食物食物和装修, 正正表达了香港最好的, 真正中西合璧, 苵洋共处的时间. 除了历史性, 它的菜式老实说, 水准比我想像中好, 特别是焗饭类, 例如是焗猪扒饭和焗咖喱牛腩饭, 炒饭干爽带微焦, 汁酱浓厚, 猪扒和牛腩保持肉汁和嫩滑, 作为以英军为主要客人的餐厅, 份量方面不用担心. 特别是焗猪扒饭的茄汁酱, 酸菜中带甜的平衡真的很不错.除了焗饭外, 扒类和猪手也是这里的出名菜式, 不能期望它的处理如Steakhouse一般, 但能够保持肉质和肉汁, 没有任何雪藏味, 也能做到medium的效果, 在同类餐厅来说已经OK, 再加上鳕鱼柳的细致嫩滑, 除了可以宽怀畅饮外, 表达出食物的质素就是粗中有细. 原本是在粉岭, 搬到上水, 现在又在粉岭见到其芳踪, 希望这老香港西式餐厅, 能够继续做下去.Better’ Ole, once owned by a retired British soldier and later taken over by someone from Hong Kong, showcases the best
除了焗饭外, 扒类和猪手也是这里的出名菜式, 不能期望它的处理如Steakhouse一般, 但能够保持肉质和肉汁, 没有任何雪藏味, 也能做到medium的效果, 在同类餐厅来说已经OK, 再加上鳕鱼柳的细致嫩滑, 除了可以宽怀畅饮外, 表达出食物的质素就是粗中有细. 原本是在粉岭, 搬到上水, 现在又在粉岭见到其芳踪, 希望这老香港西式餐厅, 能够继续做下去.
Better’ Ole, once owned by a retired British soldier and later taken over by someone from Hong Kong, showcases the best of Hong Kong‘s fusion of Chinese and Western cuisine. The food and decor perfectly capture the essence of this cultural blend. The dishes, especially the baked rice varieties like pork chop and curry beef brisket, exceed expectations in terms of taste and quality. The restaurant, originally in Fanling and now back in the same area, is known for its famous steaks, pork knuckles, and tender cod fillets. Despite not being a steakhouse, they maintain the meat’s juiciness and achieve a medium cooking level. Let‘s hope this beloved old Hong Kong-style Western eatery continues to thrive.