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A4 Kagoshima Wagyu Sando HKD 678日式和牛三文治网上有些食评都提到食物质素一般 性价比较低🤔个人认为食物质素都中上偏高 但若配上这个价格 的确可以更好🤣和牛厚切质感软熟👍面包也松软 近和牛一面也煎得脆香🤤但可以进步的是略厌和牛可更有牛味🫢The taste of Wagyu Ssndo is good; it was so soft and tender! I like it but to be honest, if it costed almost $700, the quality should be much better🤣the beef flavor can be stronger!Don Buri Set HKD 528主要选了set中三个选菜来评😎Chawanmushi 日式蒸蛋我十分满意!尝了一口觉得尝到日本的味道🥲绝对不是因为太长时间没去旅行🤣日式的蛋味 清淡的高汤是灵魂所在😭I really like their Chawanmushi😳I can taste 🇯🇵 Japan favour 🥲it is not because I h
A4 Kagoshima Wagyu Sando
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A4 Kagoshima Wagyu Sando HKD 678
网上有些食评都提到食物质素一般 性价比较低🤔
个人认为食物质素都中上偏高 但若配上这个价格 的确可以更好🤣
和牛厚切质感软熟👍面包也松软 近和牛一面也煎得脆香🤤
The taste of Wagyu Ssndo is good; it was so soft and tender! I like it but to be honest, if it costed almost $700, the quality should be much better🤣the beef flavor can be stronger!
Don Buri Set HKD 528
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日式蒸蛋我十分满意!尝了一口觉得尝到日本的味道🥲绝对不是因为太长时间没去旅行🤣日式的蛋味 清淡的高汤是灵魂所在😭
I really like their Chawanmushi😳I can taste 🇯🇵 Japan favour 🥲it is not because I have long time no travel 🌝the Japanese soup-stock is the soul of Chawanmushi🥳🫶🏻Recommended 👍
Unagi Don
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Unagi Don
饭有点失望 以为饭粒会更有饭香 及粒粒分明🌝不差的 但可以更好☺️鳗鱼不错 不过不失 略厌咸了一点🤔
I am a little bit disappointed about the Unagi Don🤣The rice taste not much different from other average price Japanese restaurant 😂 and the Unagi taste too salty to me🤔
Yuzu Tart
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Yuzu Tart
曲奇口感 牛油味香 柚子蜜味浓厚👍
It taste good for the butter cookie so strong and rich! Yuzu also taste sweet!
Chirashi Don Set HKD 678
Chef’s Sashimi Selection over Edomae Rice
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Chef’s Sashimi Selection over Edomae Rice
刺身不错 Edomae rice值得一试 清新口味配鱼生刺身 口感很配🫶🏻
The Edomae rice taste fresh and delicious 🤤 sure worth a try👍
Daily Cake-Matcha cake
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Daily Cake-Matcha cake
甜味适中 少了抹茶的甘苦 但入口即化也不会太甜过腻🙌🏻
The bitter taste of matcha is not strong but that also tastes sweet enough and 😋 yummy!
Flat Write
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