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最近我去到葵芳,发现一间新开的日本小食店——屯の大阪章鱼烧,真系好有惊喜🥳!这里不单止有正宗的章鱼烧,仲有独特的和风蜜糖芥末,令人一试成主顾!💫和风蜜糖芥末 $58 这道蜜糖芥末真系好特别,甜中带辣,配上章鱼烧的香脆外皮,口感层次丰富😋。每一口都令人惊喜,唔同于一般的调味酱,仲有一丝丝的清新感,真系好适合夏天食!🍣🎵🎵🎵Experience a delightful twist on traditional flavors with the Wasabi Honey Mustard at Tun no Osaka Takoyaki. This unique condiment elevates the classic takoyaki to new heights, making it a must-try for food lovers in Hong Kong.
💫和风蜜糖芥末 $58
Experience a delightful twist on traditional flavors with the Wasabi Honey Mustard at Tun no Osaka Takoyaki. This unique condiment elevates the classic takoyaki to new heights, making it a must-try for food lovers in Hong Kong.