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有日放工经过新都城中心,见到呢间新开张嘅而打渌,见佢menu有好多嘢拣,价钱亦好亲民,决定买个外卖返屋企慢慢叹😚 而打渌主打台湾小食,除左各种卤味之余亦有烤肉、麻辣等选择,仲有好多抵识嘅套餐添💓 铺面设计得好似夜市里面嘅摊档一样,里面有几个堂食位,每个角落都好IGable📸 A new Taiwanese Restaurant has opened in Po Lam, serving authentic flavours from Taiwan such as marinated food, pork rice and grilled meats. The shop was designed as if it’s a street food stall, which reminds me of the night markets there. 渌宝滋味 $128Marinated Combo for 2呢个二人套餐包括两个主食、、一份卤味拼盘、一碟菜、野饮同埋甜品绝对够饱🤰🏻卤味拼盘里面有入晒味嘅杏鲍菇同萝卜、4只嫩滑嘅鸡翼、厚实个嘅贡丸同爽口嘅金钱肚😋 卤汁咸甜适中,捞饭食一流🍚
A new Taiwanese Restaurant has opened in Po Lam, serving authentic flavours from Taiwan such as marinated food, pork rice and grilled meats. The shop was designed as if it’s a street food stall, which reminds me of the night markets there.
渌宝滋味 $128
Marinated Combo for 2
、一份卤味拼盘、一碟菜、野饮同埋甜品绝对够饱🤰🏻卤味拼盘里面有入晒味嘅杏鲍菇同萝卜、4只嫩滑嘅鸡翼、厚实个嘅贡丸同爽口嘅金钱肚😋 卤汁咸甜适中,捞饭食一流🍚
This set includes a box of Marinated Combo, veggies, two mains, drinks and dessert. The combo box had a large variety of small bites, such as mushrooms, chicken wings, pork balls, beef tripe and raddish. They were all so flavourful after absorbing all the marinate, which was nice to have with rice.
另一个主食拣左拌粿条🍜 望落虽然似乌冬,但其实口感比较弹牙,就算返到屋企先食都唔会淋晒,酱汁好惹味🔥 冻或热食都得架!
For one of the mains, I tried their Kway Teow, which looks a bit like udon but actually had a firmer bite and harder structure. It held up really well even after sitting out for a while, and tastes great cold or heated up.
For dessert, I got their Brown Sugar and Ginger Dessert, which had black and white grass jelly that provided two different textures.