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「即煎牛扒丰盛早餐🍳($43.5)」系平民到无得再平民嘅英式早餐🤣荷兰烟肉🇵🇱🥓比较特别 唔系似平时个d咁焦同咁咸 另外值得一提系牛肉🥩7成熟 同埋只太阳蛋做得好好🌞 蛋白熟 蛋黄流心🤪!薯饼🥔、蕃茄🍅个d水准就普普通通 btw难得连锁店嘅奶茶茶香味十足 唔落糖都好正👍🏻注意⚠️:🐰小编强烈建议可以试下佢「枫树糖鸡扒丰盛早餐🍯($43)」牛乳炒滑蛋🐮好香好滑 唔会好油 鸡扒🐔个皮超香脆 鸡肉嫩滑多汁 啖啖肉😚- The Steak All-day Breakfast🍳($43.5) is highly affordable!🤣The Poland bacon is special🇵🇱🥓. It is not over-grilled and salty. It is worth mentioning that the steak is medium well and the sunny sided egg is perfectly cooked.🤪 Other food like the potato wedges and the tomatoes🍅is fair. Btw the mi
注意⚠️:🐰小编强烈建议可以试下佢「枫树糖鸡扒丰盛早餐🍯($43)」牛乳炒滑蛋🐮好香好滑 唔会好油 鸡扒🐔个皮超香脆 鸡肉嫩滑多汁 啖啖肉😚
The Steak All-day Breakfast🍳($43.5) is highly affordable!🤣The Poland bacon is special🇵🇱🥓. It is not over-grilled and salty. It is worth mentioning that the steak is medium well and the sunny sided egg is perfectly cooked.🤪 Other food like the potato wedges and the tomatoes🍅is fair. Btw the milk tea has a rich tea fragrance. It is delicious even without additional sugar.👍🏻
Reminder⚠️:🐰It is highly recommended to try the Honey-grilled Chicken Thigh All-day Breakfast🍯($43). The scrambled eggs and the chicken thigh are juicy and divine!😚
价钱price:$30 - $45
地址address:Cafe De Coral
性价比CP value:🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤