1242 浏览
去食野,永远第一印象唔系食物水准,而系服务水准。可能系我对「酒店」嘅期望太高...一班人去饮茶,为咗唔洗等,早两日已经online book位,谂住万无一失,点知...去到好多人企咗喺度,个知客忙到唔停,仲系周围走𠮶只,话佢知我book咗位,佢望一望电脑就叫咗我去一边企,我谂住佢真系记得我,点知唔太似,因为最后我等咗20分钟,等到唔耐烦再去打搞佢,佢先好似「醒起」我仲等紧位!我早咗10分钟去到,预咗要等,但系无谂过唔计我早到嘅10分钟,book咗位都仲要等20分钟先有位,仲要俾我喺等嘅过程中见到一位喺我之后先到嘅太太,俾完封利是个知客之后,仲早过我有位,我唔知佢有冇book,但系我等嘅20分钟令我完全觉得𠮶封利是系有影响嘅!终于坐低,又有另一样你谂唔到喺「酒店」会发生嘅事...张枱布污糟到呢...(自己睇啦...)到咗呢度,我已经对佢地食物乜兴致都冇晒,不过既然咁多人一齐,就食咗先讲。我地叫咗十几碟点心,加一个饭,其中有:味道一般啦,之前去煌府好食过佢啰...>>呢个几得意,个皮系粉果皮,啲虾都几大只,作为窝贴有啲惊喜>>虽然得三只,但系超大只!啲饭好湿
一班人去饮茶,为咗唔洗等,早两日已经online book位,谂住万无一失,点知...
Since we have a bunch of people going to yum cha together, I made reservation online 2 days before to avoid waiting, but thing not going as expected...
When we arrived, there were a lot of people waiting at the front desk. The waitress at the front desk was busing running here and there. I finally got a chance to let her know my reservation and she asked me to wait around after having a glance at the computer. I thought she was well noted but I found that I was wrong after waiting for 20 min and had to "remind" her about my booking... I arrived 10 min earlier than my reservation so I was prepared to wait, just I didn't expect for 20 min, excluded my 10 min early arrival. During this 20 min, I saw a lady arrived later than me, but after she gave a red pocket to the waitress, she got her table before me!! I don't know if this lady made reservation or not, but this 20 min wait makes me believe the red pocket did mean something!!!
Finally, we got our table, however, there was something you don't expect in a restaurant in a "hotel"... a dirty table cloth (see pic1 above)
At this moment, I am not interested in the food anymore. However, with friends, let's enjoy~~
We ordered around 10 dim sum and a plate of steamed rice. (See picture above)
Pic 2 - Deep fried squid: Fair, I had a better one at Palace Wedding Banquet before.
Pic 3 - This one is interesting, the wrapper is chewy which is different from normal fried dumplings. Also the shrimps are very big~~ Good choice!!
Pic 4 - Steamed shrimp dumplings: Though only 3 pieces, but the dumplings were big and tasty~~
Pic 5 - The rice is very wet, like risotto ...
Pic 6 - Menu: for reference only~~
整体嚟讲,嘢食唔算差,都算足料,不过服务水准就好难以「酒店」嚟形容啰... 待应虽然反应唔快,但系都算系有礼貌,不过个知客同埋个带位嘅阿姐(似manager grade)就实在系... 知客唔再提嘞,𠮶位阿姐嘅变脸技,劲过国宝级大师,呢头四万咁嘅口望住啲客话:呢边请,一秒后黑口黑面到好似见到杀父仇人咁...劲!
In short, the food quality & quantity are good. The only problem is the services. Though the waiters and waitresses were not very responsive, they were quite polite. However, the waitress at the front desk and the manager-like person who lead customers to their seats are quite rude. The manager-like person changed her face from big smile (while she was asking customers to follow her to their table) to super long face (right after she finish "please come with me...") in ONE SECOND!!!
Not sure if I will visit again...
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)