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贵妇brunch之选✨($188),一个价钱包左主菜、饮品同埋蛋糕,纽约特色牛油果烘面包以cream cheese 衬上蛋白同牛油果🥑清新又饱肚。菠菜芝士奄列伴蘑菇酱食到丝丝菠菜,蘑菇汁的蘑菇味较不突出。试了新推出嘅芋头千层蛋糕,芋头粒嘅口感加上忌廉,稍微有点甜。还是原味最好吃🌸🌸🌸.Weekend Brunch’s top pick✨ ($188), New York Avocado Bagel with cream cheese & guacamole 🥑 tastes fresh and fulfilling. The spinach cheese omelet is served with mushroom sauce. For the dessert, I tried the newly launched Taro Mille Crêpes. Slightly too sweet and not as smooth as other flavour because of the taro grain. Still the original flavor is the best
Weekend Brunch’s top pick✨ ($188), New York Avocado Bagel with cream cheese & guacamole 🥑 tastes fresh and fulfilling. The spinach cheese omelet is served with mushroom sauce. For the dessert, I tried the newly launched Taro Mille Crêpes. Slightly too sweet and not as smooth as other flavour because of the taro grain. Still the original flavor is the best 🌸🌸🌸