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No Milkshake No Life的分线, 主打是充满邪恶感的窝夫, 前者奶昔当然是主打, 但其汉堡包水准也不能忽视, 特别版是汉堡扒及沾在上面的酱汁, 也是其独家炮制. 至于今次的窝夫, 上面的牛油蜜糖也是自家设计和生产, 味道比一般的更香更强, 也可以说是更腻, 果然是想成为香港的Junk Food王者.至于它的窝夫, 除了牛油蜜糖外, 本身口感也够厚实, 外表香脆但不易散, 单点已很出色. 炸鸡外表和口感香脆, 吃起来没有油腻感, 内里也没有未熟的成份. 添上枫糖牛油, 就是邪恶, 再加上煎好的荷包蛋, 蛋汁结合起来, 留给我的罪恶感也抛诸脑后. 奶昔的Cookie’n’ Cream口味就是No Milkshake No Life同样水准, 自然风评也是一样出色. Sir Berwick is famous for her American style junk food. Highly recommend for chicken waffle as both components are the best in HK. The whipped butter with ma
至于它的窝夫, 除了牛油蜜糖外, 本身口感也够厚实, 外表香脆但不易散, 单点已很出色. 炸鸡外表和口感香脆, 吃起来没有油腻感, 内里也没有未熟的成份. 添上枫糖牛油, 就是邪恶, 再加上煎好的荷包蛋, 蛋汁结合起来, 留给我的罪恶感也抛诸脑后. 奶昔的Cookie’n’ Cream口味就是No Milkshake No Life同样水准, 自然风评也是一样出色.
Sir Berwick is famous for her American style junk food. Highly recommend for chicken waffle as both components are the best in HK. The whipped butter with maple syrup give the sweet taste and smooth texture while the pan fried egg give it the egg aroma. The milkshake is nothing to be complained.