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由上个月尾搞到今个月尾先食得成😂揾路都花咗啲时间,搞到迟咗15分钟,好彩个位仲留得住🪐🌹💫The Night Sky of Rose and Le Petit Prince#小王子与玫瑰的星空 #主题下午茶 ⭐️ Sausage Stuffing Stars🍔 Lobster Mini Burger (我初初以为系大虾lol)🍖 Salami with Fried Polenta (我完全食唔出小米糕系咩嚟)🍤 Fried Potato Shrimp🍰 Scones with Fresh Clotted Cream & Strawberry Rose Jam (个cream好食到癫咗)🍭 B612 Cake Lollipop🌹 The Rose and Dark Chocolate Mousse🧁 Starry Vanilla Sky Cupcake 🌙 Moonlight Mango Custard Choux☕️ Butterfly Pea Earl Grey Latte 食物:3.5/5 (基本上所有甜点都真系好甜🤪)环境:4/5 (系有啲偏远,但室内外环境都一流)服务:4/5 (s
The Night Sky of Rose and Le Petit Prince
#小王子与玫瑰的星空 #主题下午茶
⭐️ Sausage Stuffing Stars
🍔 Lobster Mini Burger (我初初以为系大虾lol)
🍖 Salami with Fried Polenta (我完全食唔出小米糕系咩嚟)
🍤 Fried Potato Shrimp
🍰 Scones with Fresh Clotted Cream & Strawberry Rose Jam (个cream好食到癫咗)
🍭 B612 Cake Lollipop
🌹 The Rose and Dark Chocolate Mousse
🧁 Starry Vanilla Sky Cupcake
🌙 Moonlight Mango Custard Choux
☕️ Butterfly Pea Earl Grey Latte
食物:3.5/5 (基本上所有甜点都真系好甜🤪)
环境:4/5 (系有啲偏远,但室内外环境都一流)
服务:4/5 (serve我哋嘅都超级nice)
价格:3.5/5 (以high tea嚟计算抵)