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Croissant ($18)croissant十分松脆 中间较为空心唔会死实 而且牛油味重得黎感觉上好轻盈 一啲唔腻 果然系bakehouse嘅招牌The croissant is composed with layers and layers of light and crispy pastry which creates a very light texture. It’s also quite hollow on the inside, which helps it avoid being too heavy, especially when it tastes quite buttery. Definitely one of the better croissants I’ve had, no wonder it’s so famous! Yums 8/10 👅French Toast ($88)french toast虽然用咗sourdough但系竟然好软熟 同平时嘅french toast嘅唔同之处就系蛋味唔突出 而且唔系炸嘅所以唔会油腻 配上creme fraiche同
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Croissant ($18)
croissant十分松脆 中间较为空心唔会死实 而且牛油味重得黎感觉上好轻盈 一啲唔腻 果然系bakehouse嘅招牌
The croissant is composed with layers and layers of light and crispy pastry which creates a very light texture. It’s also quite hollow on the inside, which helps it avoid being too heavy, especially when it tastes quite buttery. Definitely one of the better croissants I’ve had, no wonder it’s so famous!
Yums 8/10 👅
French Toast ($88)
french toast虽然用咗sourdough但系竟然好软熟 同平时嘅french toast嘅唔同之处就系蛋味唔突出 而且唔系炸嘅所以唔会油腻 配上creme fraiche同腌制过嘅莓都几开胃
The french toast here uses sourdough bread as the base, and is surprisingly soft and cushiony. As compared to the typical chinese french toast, the ones here are less eggy in flavour, and definitely less oily. Especially when it’s paired with the creme fraiche and marinated berries, which helps to take away some of the heaviness.
Yums 7.8/10 👅
Uni Toast
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海胆同三文鱼籽都好浓味 虽然份量比较少但系鲜味都足够 块brioche就好软绵 如果质感脆返少少应该会更夹
The uni and the salmon roe had an intense flavour to it, and seems to have a stronger sea water flavour than usual. It helped add flavour when paired with the scrambled eggs and brioche toast beneath. It was a shame that the brioche was a bit too soft to my liking, I feel like a more toasted version with a crispier crust would go better with the other soft ingredients.
Yums 7.5/10 👅
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呢度嘅mocha将朱古力同咖啡两种味道平衡得好好 而且唔会太甜 系好饮嘅
I love how well they managed to balance the flavours between the coffee and the chocolate. The mocha is not too sweet and it’s not too bitter either.
Yums 8/10 👅
Worth 7.7/10
French Toast
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