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观塘越来越多有规模餐厅, 经Open rice订台更有75折, 一于周末就观塘寻好味道。*Firecrackers Salmon super tasty , 应该系慢煮, 个汁好好味!*Lobster Risotto 龙虾无味道, 比较失望, 亦不是龙虾汁底, 但饭系好食嘅。*Steam broccolli and cauliflower with cheese the cheese just delicious *饮品, one more please, 不太甜, peach , passion fruit, pineapple, all my favorite, ONE MORE PLEASE
*Firecrackers Salmon super tasty , 应该系慢煮, 个汁好好味!
*Lobster Risotto 龙虾无味道, 比较失望, 亦不是龙虾汁底, 但饭系好食嘅。
*Steam broccolli and cauliflower with cheese the cheese just delicious
*饮品, one more please, 不太甜, peach , passion fruit, pineapple, all my favorite, ONE MORE PLEASE
Firecracker Salmon
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Lobster Risotto
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steam broccolli and cauliflower with cheese aside
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one more please
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