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南亚女待应不回答关于食物的问题,仲要"zi"客人, 问佢有冇柠檬茶,可以唔回应掉头走。之后比D劲难饮嘅茶(不是柠檬茶)。食物唔新鲜。试想下如阁下有食物敏感,待应唔答食物嘅问题,你嘅健康会有咩影响?奉劝阁下远离此餐厅。The waitress doesn't answer questions about food.The waitress called is extremely impolite. I wanted to ask questions about the food she made a sound "zi" showed she is impatient about my question and did not answer anything. There is drink included in the set I ordered. I asked if I could order lemon tea. She turned back and walked away. Then she gave me very awful tea (not lemon tea). W
The waitress doesn't answer questions about food.
The waitress called is extremely impolite. I wanted to ask questions about the food she made a sound "zi" showed she is impatient about my question and did not answer anything. There is drink included in the set I ordered. I asked if I could order lemon tea. She turned back and walked away. Then she gave me very awful tea (not lemon tea). Worst of all, the food is not fresh.
Imagine if you have allergy to some food and the waitress doesn't answer questions about it, your life may be in danger. I strongly recommend people not to dine here.
The Angler
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