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非常隐蔽嘅西班牙小店!😍 位置有啲隔涉, 唔系好近地铁站… 不过正宗西班牙菜式完美搭救, 每一样都好食! 餐厅有好靓嘅瓷砖装饰, 墙上仲挂住西班牙地图 🗺️ A hidden Spanish gem! The location is a bit off the beaten path, not very close to the MTR station... but the authentic Spanish dishes are a perfect rescue, everything is delicious! The restaurant is beautifully decorated with lovely ceramic tiles, and there's even a map of Spain hanging on the wall————————————————食物:❆ Paddon peppers $63以简单调味嘅小青椒💚 好开胃嘅小食❆ Mushroom croquette $20❆ Crab croquette $20❆ Squid croquette $20拣
A hidden Spanish gem! The location is a bit off the beaten path, not very close to the MTR station... but the authentic Spanish dishes are a perfect rescue, everything is delicious! The restaurant is beautifully decorated with lovely ceramic tiles, and there's even a map of Spain hanging on the wall
❆ Paddon peppers $63
以简单调味嘅小青椒💚 好开胃嘅小食
❆ Mushroom croquette $20
❆ Crab croquette $20
❆ Squid croquette $20
拣咗三款好邪恶嘅炸丸😈 分别有松露蘑菇、蟹肉、墨汁鱿鱼🦑 外层炸到香脆, 入面嘅馅料多到就嚟要爆出嚟! 好香口
❆ Gambas al Ajillo 108
浓郁嘅蒜香,每一只虾都好肥美 🦐 配上香脆嘅法包同埋蒜油好开胃 🤤
❆ Seafood Paella $258
标志性西班牙菜式, 完全冇失望😍 超浓郁龙虾同埋海鲜嘅鲜味, 配上软硬适中充满蟹膏味嘅饭粒! 三只大虾好肥美, 青口同蚬肉都完全冇沙
❆ Red Sangria $88
餐厅自己浸嘅sangria 好清甜! 红酒配上切至细粒嘅水果, 好易入口 🍷青苹果、菠萝、橙、肉桂etc… very soothing
❆ Sugar Daddy $58
Strawberry, peach, butterfly pea tea, milk
清新甜美, 有啲草莓鲜奶嘅感觉, 士多啤梨嘅味完全唔假🍓
Lovely mixture of strawberry and milk flavours
✦ 价格: 4.4/5
✦ 味道: 4.7/5
✦ 服务: 4.4/5
✦ 环境: 4.5/5
✦ 再访指数: 4.7/5
La Barra Tapas Spanish Restaurant (长沙湾)
📍地址: 长沙湾福荣街512-518号地下A号舖
星期一 18:00-22:00
星期二至日 12:00-15:30