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我第一次写食评,因为我忍唔住要写呢间嘢有几差!虽然啲面系几好食…但食完好口喝,唔知系咪好多味精但店员态度极差,讲嘢无尾音。问多佢两句就嫌你麻烦,用啲极衰语气去shut you up咁。铺头好细…座位劲逼。店员上菜系乱放,够胆死因为唔想执啲菜既位,而求其将我地个菜放系隔离枱,但隔离系有人食紧嘢同佢个名一样,啲客食完系会好"庆", 个庆系劲嬲个只。Recap in English:The noodle is quite good, but the customer service is very bad. The staff is keeping her resting rude face and doesn't want to answer any enquiries and quickly shut u up in rude mannerThere are many many choices among that area, we don't have to go a restaurant with bad services
但店员态度极差,讲嘢无尾音。问多佢两句就嫌你麻烦,用啲极衰语气去shut you up咁。
同佢个名一样,啲客食完系会好"庆", 个庆系劲嬲个只。
Recap in English:
The noodle is quite good, but the customer service is very bad. The staff is keeping her resting rude face and doesn't want to answer any enquiries and quickly shut u up in rude manner
There are many many choices among that area, we don't have to go a restaurant with bad services