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🥢 蜜汁鳕鱼 配 蜜味叉烧Fried diced Cod Fish with Honey and BBQ Pork👍🏻 鳕鱼带有烟熏味, 鱼身结实软硬适中, 蜜汁甜度刚好, 不太甜。👍🏻叉烧外脆内软有肉汁, 脂肪分怖均匀。The cod’s texture is just fine with pleasant smoky flavour. Honey sauce is not too sweet.The BBQ pork fat is evenly distributed. Its crispy outside, tender and juicy inside. ******************************🥢 胡椒牛肉酥饼Baked Pastries filled with diced Beef and Spring Onion topped with Sesame✏️ 饀料带有胡椒味, 胡椒味足, 某些人可能会觉得有点辣。The filling has rich flavor of pepper. It might be a bit hot and spicy to s
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Fried diced Cod Fish with Honey and BBQ Pork
👍🏻 鳕鱼带有烟熏味, 鱼身结实软硬适中, 蜜汁甜度刚好, 不太甜。
👍🏻叉烧外脆内软有肉汁, 脂肪分怖均匀。
The cod’s texture is just fine with pleasant smoky flavour. Honey sauce is not too sweet.
The BBQ pork fat is evenly distributed. Its crispy outside, tender and juicy inside.
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🥢 胡椒牛肉酥饼
Baked Pastries filled with diced Beef and Spring Onion topped with Sesame
✏️ 饀料带有胡椒味, 胡椒味足, 某些人可能会觉得有点辣。
The filling has rich flavor of pepper. It might be a bit hot and spicy to some people.
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Baked stuffed Crab Shell with Crab Meat, Onion and Cream Sauce
👍🏻👍🏻 蟹盖的金黄面层香脆, 蟹肉饀很足料, 味道浓郁。
The golden outer crust is crunchy with very creamy filling that full of crab meat.
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🥢 富贵盐香鸡
Crispy Salted Chicken
✏️ 鸡肉有咸香, 鸡皮十分香脆,皮薄透光也没有带著黄油脂肪。
The salty taste of the chicken is just right. The skin is thin and crispy without any fat.
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🥢 和牛粒炒饭
Fried Rice with Wagyu Beef, Coriander and topped with Olive Kernel
👍🏻 饭粒粒分明, 饭身软硬适中, 带点嚼劲,每粒饭都沾满浓郁的酱汁及带有微微的榄菜香。
The grains are well-separated and slightly chewy. Each grain is coated in a savory soy-based sauce with subtle hint of olive kernel.
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🥢 芝麻卷 Black Sesame Roll
👍🏻 有浓郁的芝麻香味
The roll has rich flavour of black sesame.
🥢 蛋挞 Egg Tart
👍🏻 挞皮酥脆, 蛋滑也甜度适中。
The egg is smooth and not too sweet. The puff pastry tart is crispy.
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🥢 蛋白杏仁茶 Almond Cream with Egg White
👍🏻👍🏻杏仁茶滑身, 有香浓的杏仁味, 甜度适中。
Its very smooth and creamy. Its rich in flavour of almond which is fresh-ground. Its not too sweet.
👍🏻 服务方面:服务很好,服务程序跟足,客人的茶饮到一半,服务员会主动去斟满,主动更换骨碟等等,送上每道菜也会先向客人交待等等…
The service: Very good. The service procedures are followed. The waitress takes initiative to refill the tea, replace the bone plate, let the guest knows what dish they are serving etc…