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从前慕名尝试过中环置地 Le Salon De Thé de Joël Robuchon的 '全港最佳tea set' , 觉得不外如是, only petit four---chocolate banana pound cake好, 内里软林林, 从小到大也很喜欢this kind的食物---sara lee pound cake was my favorite breakfast. 虽然知道制作过程十分唔健康, 但都忍唔到口. today一看手表seven o’clock已心知不妙,看来躲不过no more pear muffins and fridge cakes的恶梦。一如所料,要来之前went to library的结果就是没有chance尝bakery items,这次surprisingly still had three almond 牛角包 left就毫不犹豫点了。当我知道呢间的Croissant was loved by so many “openrice eaters”之后, 一直好想揾机会试.Croissant aux amandes $20 酥皮松化脆口, b