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说是牛肉面, 其实我更喜欢其羊肉面, 汤底膻香和鲜香适中, 微微香料味及大量芫荽, 调较出来相当舒服. 面身有嚼劲而且实芯, 口感爽弹而且带点麦香, 浸汤久了也不会变得软糯, 没有碱水味, 始终北方面不太需要碱水去增加筋性, 也不需要其去中和面本身的酸性. 羊肉也很重要, 这里的羊肉不会散碎, 原件羊肉切得工整, 膻香比汤头重一点, 对我而言当然没有问题.除了面食外, 串烧也是其热卖菜式, 最吸引的是串烧上面大量的孜然粉, 充满大漠风味, 不会死咸而且辣度适中. 羊肉串和羊架是其串烧中最吸引我的. 一如之前说过的羊肉, 质素相当不错, 更重要是其脂肪的油香和厚度, 是膻香旳好拍档好伴侣, 就算是西餐也很少吃到如此的羊肉, 相当可喜.Beef Noodles is famous for her beef and lamb noodles. I prefer lamb more than beef as the soup base is balanced with gamey and fresh tastes. The noodles are al dente and spongy in
除了面食外, 串烧也是其热卖菜式, 最吸引的是串烧上面大量的孜然粉, 充满大漠风味, 不会死咸而且辣度适中. 羊肉串和羊架是其串烧中最吸引我的. 一如之前说过的羊肉, 质素相当不错, 更重要是其脂肪的油香和厚度, 是膻香旳好拍档好伴侣, 就算是西餐也很少吃到如此的羊肉, 相当可喜.
Beef Noodles is famous for her beef and lamb noodles. I prefer lamb more than beef as the soup base is balanced with gamey and fresh tastes. The noodles are al dente and spongy in texture. Even they have been soaked with soup, they will not be soften. The skewers are prefect match with beef. The lamb skewers are lamb racks are those you should never be missed.