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相信大家都一定会听过来自台湾嘅「李圆圆」😉 热卖嘅黑糖珍珠鲜奶原来用左三年先调教出满意嘅配方,里面融合左唔少独家嘅古法熬煮工序👨🏻🍳 佢地嘅黑糖珍珠会每两小时就煮出新一批,保证你食到烟靭软糯嘅口感🥳 Bubble Lee is a famous Taiwanese drink shop that is known for their brown sugar bubbles. They use a recipe with various secretive techniques and ensures they are all fresh and chewy by cooking up a new batch every two hours. 黑糖珍珠豆浆 $30Brown Sugar Bubble with Soy Milk佢地近期同百福豆腐合作推出左新系列,将非基因改造大豆制成嘅百福高钙香滑鲜豆浆同黑糖珍珠混合,咁嘅配对真系第一次见🤩 佢地一热一冻,搅匀左之后豆味依然浓郁,伴随著淡淡嘅黑糖香😋 They have recently cooperated with Pak Fook
Bubble Lee is a famous Taiwanese drink shop that is known for their brown sugar bubbles. They use a recipe with various secretive techniques and ensures they are all fresh and chewy by cooking up a new batch every two hours.
黑糖珍珠豆浆 $30
Brown Sugar Bubble with Soy Milk
佢地近期同百福豆腐合作推出左新系列,将非基因改造大豆制成嘅百福高钙香滑鲜豆浆同黑糖珍珠混合,咁嘅配对真系第一次见🤩 佢地一热一冻,搅匀左之后豆味依然浓郁,伴随著淡淡嘅黑糖香😋
They have recently cooperated with Pak Fook to create drinks that incorporate their non GMO bean products. This drink was made with cold soy bean milk and hot brown sugar bobas. You could taste the silkinees of tofu while appreciating the sweetness and textures from the boba.
珍珠黑糖四季春 $25
Brown Sugar Bubble with Four Season Tea
呢杯系夏季期间限定,买黑糖圆圆珍珠鲜奶系列可以用半价换购🤘🏼四季春本身带有独特嘅花香,加上黑糖珍珠嘅甜度就啱啱好😇 喺炎炎夏驲日下饮返一杯即刻清爽晒❄️
This is a summer special, which you can get for half the price if you get a brown sugar boba range drinks along with it. Four season tea has its own flowery aroma, which is further pronounced by the brown sugar. It was a very refreshing drink to have in the heat.