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相信大家都有听过 Honbo ,佢地获奖无数🏆 包括美国新闻网Bloomberg嘅「全球最佳汉堡店2020」同埋国际旅游网站 Big 7 Travel嘅「亚洲 50间最佳汉堡店 2019」,等左咁耐终于可以自己去试下系咪真系咁好食😜 Honbo系由一位外国医生开办,佢发现依家嘅汉堡只可以满足视觉享受,但质素越黎越差,于是想带返传统加州嘅汉堡返黎香港🍔 今日黎到尖沙嘴分店,装修以清新嘅蓝白色为主,坐窗边更可以叹无敌海景添🌊 Honbo has gotten many awards over the years, and they hope to bring top quality American burgers to the locals here in HK. The branch in tst sits next to the harbour, which allows u to enjoy a nice view while having your meal. 经典汉堡2.0 $168Honbo 2.0 佢地所有嘅汉堡都喺自家制,由薯仔牛奶嘅汉堡包皮到汉堡肉都系每日新鲜制作架❤️
Honbo has gotten many awards over the years, and they hope to bring top quality American burgers to the locals here in HK. The branch in tst sits next to the harbour, which allows u to enjoy a nice view while having your meal.
经典汉堡2.0 $168
Honbo 2.0
佢地所有嘅汉堡都喺自家制,由薯仔牛奶嘅汉堡包皮到汉堡肉都系每日新鲜制作架❤️🔥 呢个用左威斯康星州嘅Double Gold牛肉嘅汉堡肉扒望落就知有几juicy,2.0即系有四块扒,一路食一路滴汁,牛香浓郁,绝对可以满足各位食肉兽🤪 每层肉之间夹著一块美式芝士,为汉堡增添了额外嘅口感同咸香味,有助减低油腻感🧀 虽然真系少贵,但已佢嘅质素同份量黎讲真系物有所值🙌🏼
All of their burger buns and patties are made fresh in house everyday. The patties are made of Double Gold beef, and this 2.0 version has 4 juicy patties, layered with melty cheese.
水牛城鸡翼 $68
Buffalo Wings
呢个系一道起源于美国纽约州嘅菜色,以使用热辣嘅酱汁同煎炸嘅方式制作出口感酥脆,香辣可口嘅鸡翅🍗 佢地喺上面仲淋上少少蓝纹芝士酱,额外添加左啲creamy嘅感觉😉
This dish originated from NYC, which is fried chicken wings covered in a sour and spicy sauce. The additional cheese poured on top made it more creamy.
芝士薯条 $58
Cheese Fries
These hand cut fries were super crispy, which went so well with the gooey cheese poured on top.