In general, the food is better going out to eat here in HK than back when I lived in Chicago. But every now and then, I want to eat a Chicago hot dog, but until now, I never knew where to find one. But after finding Hot Dog Stage in Lai Chi Kok, I now have that option. The Stage Hot Dog (皇 牌 热 狗) isn't a completely exact Chicago dog, nor does it claim to be. However it gets all the essentials right: mustard, tomatoes, relish, onions, pickles. The hot dog itself is tasty, all-beef - so good. Als
The Stage Hot Dog (皇 牌 热 狗) isn't a completely exact Chicago dog, nor does it claim to be. However it gets all the essentials right: mustard, tomatoes, relish, onions, pickles. The hot dog itself is tasty, all-beef - so good.
Also I like how the set pairs the "salad on a bun" (the hot dog) with a salad. At hot dog stands back in Chicago, they never do this - the hot dog is always paired with fries or potato chips. But this works really well - I'm surprised no hot dog stands back at Chicago have done this.
So if you're ever craving a really good hot dog for lunch, make the trip up to Lai Chi Kok to taste the closet thing to a Chicago hot dog you'll find anywhere in HK. I'll certainly be back.